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This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Pinewood on Lake Drive, Virginia Beach, Va., this 28th day of April, 1932, in accordance with request made by those present.

This provision, even a uming that it may a ly in the circumstances, does not in any way require the tribunal to reject the counterclaim if its examination might delay that of the main claim. 就是假定该条款可适用于本案,它无论如何也没有规定本仲裁庭应驳回反诉,即使对反诉的审理会耽误对主诉的审查。
This provision, even assuming that it may apply in the circumstances, does not in any way require the tribunal to reject the counterclaim if its examination might delay that of the main claim. 就是假定该条款可适用于本案,它无论如何也没有规定本仲裁庭应驳回反诉,即使对反诉的审理会耽误对主诉的审查。
This pruduct is move off in the overseas. 这种产品在国外很畅销。
This psalm talks about how God should be praised. 这篇诗篇说到该怎样来赞美神。
This psychedelic jacket was made by Mick Jagger's brother Chris for Lennon and is also being sold. 这件富有迷幻色彩的外套也是此次的拍卖品之一,它是滚石乐队主唱米克·贾格尔的哥哥克里斯当年专门为列侬设计的。
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Pinewood on Lake Drive, Virginia Beach, Va., this 28th day of April, 1932, in accordance with request made by those present. 在1932年4月28日这一天,在从弗吉尼亚海滩驱车赶往家里的松林路上埃德加·凯西给出了这篇精神读物。
This pub is a favourite haunt of artists. 这家小酒店是艺术家们喜欢光顾的地方.
This pub is one of my favorite haunts. 这家酒吧是我最喜欢出没的地方之一。
This publication comes just weeks into the enquiry by the government's sustainable task force into green building practice. 本书出版几周后受到关注绿色建筑实践的政府可持续特别工作组的咨询。
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract .Users are responsible for itscorrect application. 这本刊物的主旨不是包括所有必要的合同条款.用户需遵从正确的程序.
This publication is dedicated to a country that created a historical example of timeless validity in the field of town planning and housing form. 该项目是致力于创建国家城市规划,房屋建筑模式的历史典范。

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