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T: How many strokes are there usually?

T: Hello? Hello? Hello, this is Tony, phoning from England. We're at the conference. 喂?喂?你好,我是托尼,我从英国打来的,我们在展会呢。
T: Here are my tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 汤:这些是我的完税凭证和税单。
T: How did they move? Who can answer the questions on the screen? 师:他们是怎样运动的?谁能回答屏幕上的问题?
T: How do Bill and Ling Feng greet each other? (比尔和林峰是如何问候的。)
T: How do you balance seizing every opportunity? 那您是怎样权衡抓住每一个机遇的?
T: How many strokes are there usually? 通常有几种游泳姿势?
T: I don't think so. I'm indeed poor in English. I don't know how to do it? (我不觉得。我的英语确实太差了,我都不知道怎么办了。)
T: I have some flash cards; they are yummy food and lovely animals. 我这里有一些图片,上边呀有好吃的水果,有可爱的小动物,瞪大小眼睛喽!
T: I heard exercise can also boost brain function. 我听说,运动还能增强大脑功能。
T: I heard there are some decorum (4) for a traditional formal wedding gown. Do you know about them? (我听说在传统的婚礼上,新娘服饰有一些习俗要求,你知道吗?)
T: I heard you had a typhoon recently. 听说你们这里最近有颱风?

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