First. Take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time job or part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything is better!
首先,对你的工作经验(无论有偿和无偿,全日制或兼读)制做一个简单的书写。同时,写下自己的职责,职称和公司信息。尽量详细! |
First: Import to China/Guangdong from all over the world, Express delivery from HK to china, and the customs service of the doubtful goods/Quota to USA/EU.
一、世界各地货物到大陆尤其广东的全程进口、中港快运、第三国转口/欧美纺织品/鞋/家具/农产品贸易咨询。 |
Firstclass ticket to Birmingham , please.
请给买一张到伯明翰的头等票。 |
Firstclass ticket to Birmingham, please.
请给买一张到伯明翰的头等票。 |
Firstly , I show them several powerfully-persuasive examples of how a visual narrative can be constructed; how, using predominantly vision, good screenplay writers can “paint” effective character portraits and develop both plot and motive(s ).
首先,我会给他们展示一些非常有说服力的范本,让他们注意这些作品中视觉叙事是怎样建立的,好的编剧又如何运用具有支配力的想象,有效地“描绘”人物肖像,既发展情节也展开动机。 |
Firstly , both are major world powers .
首先,两个都是世界主要强国。 |
Firstly His Holiness gave the Chenrezig oral tranmission. The Chenrezig practice is related to love and compassion for the welfare of others.
首先尊贵的法王传授了观音法门的口传仪轨。观音法门就是为了他人的福祉而修持仁爱与慈悲。 |
Firstly His Holiness gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig practice.
在此教授之前,尊贵的法王给予了观音修持的口传。 |
Firstly LZ should understand Treo680 don't have the concept of shutdown。 So there is no such thing called alarm clock working when system is off。。
680除非拔电池,否则没有关机概念。关掉的只是手机模块。所以只要电池有电,闹钟总是可以用的。 |
Firstly because I was performing and secondly because she was wearing a very beautiful and very long dress and I was worried I would step on it as we walked onto the stage!
当时我非常紧张,两个原因:一是因为我在表演,二是因为她穿了非常漂亮又非常长的礼服,跟她一起上台的时候我老担心会不会踩到她的裙摆! |
Firstly bidirectional remote digital data was transferred on the public switched telephone network (PSTN) using its FAX mode in the remote diagnostic system, and then the hardware of client terminal device and server device, the control software and diagn
提出了使用公用电话网将终端车辆与服务中心相连接,运用传真通讯模式实现数字信号双向传输,并设计开发了由用户终端数据处理装置和服务器端数据处理装置组成的硬件系统,以及相应的控制软件和服务中心诊断软件。 |