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B: William is called Bill for short.

B: Will I be required to have a medical examination before I start work? 我开始上班之前要不要进行体格检查?
B: Will I have a chance to review it? 我有机会读一下吗?
B: Will you please have the check certified? 那么请开保付支票好吗?
B: Will you sign the register, please? 请在登记表上签名好吗?
B: Will you try sea_food? We have the best oysters and caviar. 要不要试试海鲜?我们有最好的蚝和鱼子酱。
B: William is called Bill for short. 威廉是比尔的简称。
B: With pleasure! What do you want to know? 非常乐意。你想了解些什么呢?
B: With snow in Kunming? That's crazy! 我真的在春城昆明度过了一个有雪的冬天。
B: Within half an hour, I think. 我想半小时之内吧。
B: Within the line of basic deposit,the interest should be counted at the rate of current deposit on the day of settlement or withdrawal. 基本存款额度内的存款利息按结算日或支取日的活期存款利率计算。
B: Won't you make a huge loss? 你难道不会因此而损失惨重吗?

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