A case of left atrial myxoma presenting with painful erythematous macules on palms and soles
以掌跖疼痛性红斑为首发表现的左心房黏液瘤例 |
A case of peripheral neuritis caused by misusing calomel-containing herbs
误服含甘汞中药致周围神经损害例报告 |
A case of pseudoainhum with porokeratosis of mibelli
汗孔角化症合并假性阿洪病例 |
A case of secondary Raynaud syndrome
继发性Raynaud综合征例 |
A case of solitary plasma cytoma of femur
股骨孤立性浆细胞肉瘤例 |
A characterization on Oka sheaves
关于Oka层的刻画 |
A china wild ramie germplasm nursery also has been established for preserving 77 wild ramie germplasm accessions of 8 species and varieties, and wild germplasm accession of other 9 genera of nettle family.
建立了中国野生苎麻种质资源圃,保存野生苎麻种质8个种个变种共77份材料和荨麻科其它9个属野生资源 份材料。 |
A clinical Research on Laser Specklè for Determining Amètropia
激光干涉条纹视力的初步研究 |
A clinical application of Mx-Grafter in the immediate dental implantation
Mx-grafter在即刻牙种植术中的临床应用 |
A clinical investigation on filtration surgery with khosam kernel for treatment of glaucoma
小梁切除术联合鸦胆子治疗青光眼临床观察 |
A clinical report of 8 cases with webbed penis by "V" and "Z" type plasty
V形或Z形成形术治疗璞状阴茎8例报告 |