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The disease has increased with the spread of ADIS and drug resistance forms of tuberculosis.

The disease consists of two types, namely, genuine vertigo (rotational) and pseudo vertigo (non-rotational). 有真性眩晕(旋转性)与假性眩晕(非旋转性)。
The disease from which he died was at that time incurable. 他死于一种那个年代不能医治的病。
The disease has a wide geographic distribution, almost covering the whole world. 该病分布广泛,几乎全世界都有本病存在或流行。
The disease has atrophied his legs. 该病使他的双脚萎缩。
The disease has hit South Africa harder than any other country, with more than five million of its 45 million people infected , and is seen corroding an already fragile social fabric as it leaves an army of orphans in its wake. 著名歌手鲍勃.盖尔多夫,这位于1980年代成功组织过为埃塞阿比亚饥民募捐的慈善大使告诉大家说:“我们现在不能谈‘艾’色变了,它已经是一种大家都要直面的病症。”
The disease has increased with the spread of ADIS and drug resistance forms of tuberculosis. 随着Adis疾病的蔓延,形成抗药性肺结核。
The disease has robbed him of virtually all movements. 这病使他失去了几乎所有的活动能力。
The disease is a big problem in large puppy “mills” where sanitation and husbandry is less than ideal. 对于那种管理卫生状况差的幼犬繁育场而言,冠状病毒是一个重要的问题。
The disease is affecting his eyesight. 这种疾病正在影响他的视力。
The disease is becoming more widespread . 这种疾病正变成更加地普遍。
The disease is caused by Monkeypox virus. 这种疾病由猴痘病毒造成。

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