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Martin and other guitar makers are worried about the availability of tropical woods like mahogany, ebony and rosewood used to craft their instruments.

Martin Palmer, He Xiaoxin and Victoria Finlay on Dao De Jing's lessons of living in harmony with nature. 彭马田,何晓昕和温卫荷指出《道德经》教导人们与自然和谐共处。
Martin Ruther King Jr. was awarded the peace Nobal prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights. 小马丁.路德.金因为主张民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺贝尔和平奖。
Martin Scorsese made the 1985 comedy After Hours as a kind of quick rejuvenator following a long, difficult production on The King of Comedy. 经历「喜剧之王」漫长艰难的制作后,马丁史柯西斯将1985年的喜剧「下班后」当作快速提神补元气的调剂。
Martin Senftleben,COPYRIGHT,LIMITATIONS AND THE THREE-STEP TEST,An Analysis of the Three-Step Test in international and EC Copyright Law,KLUWER LAW INTERNATIONAL(The Hague·London· New York),2004. 参见王迁:《论认定模仿讽刺作品构成合理使用的法律规则--兼评《一个馒头引发的血案》涉及的著作权问题》(载《科技与法律》2006年第1期).作者在对该案的分析过程中大量引用美国的法律规定和判例,最后得出自己的结论.
Martin Shapiro. The Globalization of Law. Vol. 1, 1993 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. pp27~64. 转引自沈宗灵:《评“法律全球化”理论》,《人民日报》1999年12月11日第6版。
Martin and other guitar makers are worried about the availability of tropical woods like mahogany, ebony and rosewood used to craft their instruments. 马丁和其他吉他制造商正在为像桃花心木、黑檀、紫檀等典型的吉他用热带树种的有效可用来源而担忧。
Martin decided that he had no adequate proof. 马丁断定他没有充足的证据。
Martin failed at his first try,but he was lucky enough to have another bite at the cherry. 马丁第一次尝试没有成功,可幸运的是他还有一次机会。
Martin guided him to the reception-room. 马丁将他领到接待室。
Martin had a printed form thrust at him by an unpleasant official. 一位讨厌的官员将一份印刷表格猛地伸到马丁面前。
Martin has also written several books and I can recommend his Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code book, which you can also find on the website. 我不会在书中讲述很多敏捷开发方法,但是我会使用单元测试和简短的概念,单元测试设计,然后反复编写代码在书中将贯穿整个项目。

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