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Sector Mines will attack based upon the ship class plus the hull size.

Sections of the financial market have called for the government to push for a quick solution to the problem by using public funds either to compensate investors for any dilution of their stakes or to provide short-term support for the market while shares 一部分人要求政府通过成立公众基金以补偿由于股权被稀释(而遭受损失)的投资者或者当非流通股上市时,给与市场短期支持。
Sections of the media have criticised Eriksson for his laid-back attitude on the bench, but he says he will not swerve from the style that has yielded honours all over Europe. 一些媒体批评埃里克松坐在板凳上的对待比赛的消极的态度,但是他说他不会改变自己在欧洲获得了很多荣誉的那一套做法。
Sections of the sequence can also be used to make proteins and other chemicals, which can carry out the instructions, coded in the sequence, and assemble the raw material for DNA to reproduce itself. 这种携带着指令、顺序密码的片断通常也能用以制造出蛋白质和其它化学品,它们能够执行序列中编成密码的指令,而装配出复制DNA所需的原料。
Sections show wall of cyst lined by intestinal epithelium and presence of muscular layer. 切片显示囊壁覆盖有肠上皮,并存在肌层。
Sections that may be passed over in first reading are marked with an asterisk. 凡在第一遍阅读时可以忽略的一些段落都用星号标明。
Sector Mines will attack based upon the ship class plus the hull size. 水雷区域的攻击是基于船只的等级加上船体的大小。
Sector focus: manufacturing and services. 我们投资的领域是:生产和服务业务。
Sectors covered by the ETS could be excluded from the scope of the latter element, thus resolving the problem of potential overlap between the two instruments. 排放交易机制覆盖的领域可以被排除在后一个因素之外,从而解决两种工具之间内容可能重合的问题。
Sectors will be more three-dimensional and be of varying sizes. 星区会更三维化,大小也各不相同。
Secular India is home to Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and other innumerable religious traditions. Hinduism is the dominant faith, practiced by over 80% of the population. 长期以来,印度是印度教,伊斯兰教,基督教,佛教,耆那教,锡克教和其他无数宗教传统的故乡。印度教是占优势的信仰,占据了超过80%的人口。
Secular books with names such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Woman With the Alabaster Jar expand on traditions that she committed sexual sins. 比如〈圣血〉,〈圣杯〉和〈带着雪花石膏的妇女〉等名字的世俗书籍,传统上评述说她有了性犯罪。

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