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Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable to minimize motorist annoyance by limiting the amount of traffic disruption caused by the toll plazas.

Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. 因为工商业是竞争的,所以许多美国人认为它比政府更支持自由,虽然政府领导人是人民选举的,而工商企业界领袖不是。
Because car theft is always a risk, don't leave your insurance card in your vehicle. 因为汽车被盗的风险永远是存在的,万不可将你的保险卡留在车里。
Because charcoal is a poor conductor of heat, particularly through the dead calloused skin on the bottom of your feet and especially if you scoot across the bed of coals as quickly as fire walkers are wont to do. 因为木炭是热的不良导体,尤其人脚下还长了结茧的死皮,而你又像习惯走火堆的人那样飞奔过一堆木炭。
Because childhood abuse occurs during the critical formative time when the brain is being physically sculpted by experience, the impact of severe stress can leave an indelible imprint on its structure and function. 由于童年遭受虐待的时期,正好也是大脑接受经验陶铸成型的重要关键时刻,因此极度压力所产生的冲击,很可能在大脑的结构及功能上留下无法消除的铭记。
Because chitin has a high degree of crystallinity, it can only be dissolved in expensive organic solvents. 摘要由于天然甲壳素结晶度高,在湿法纺丝过程中溶解甲壳时需要使用价格较高的有机溶剂。
Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable to minimize motorist annoyance by limiting the amount of traffic disruption caused by the toll plazas. 因为征收通行费通常不受欢迎,所以应该尽量减少通过收费广场引起的交通混乱给汽车司机带来的烦恼。
Because components of MSW are complex and changeable, particularly existence of chlorine-containing matlers in MSW, close attention has been increasingly paid to problems of pollutants' formation and metallic heating-surface corrosion in MSW incineration. 因垃圾组分复杂多变,尤其是垃圾中含氯物质的存在,使得焚烧中污染物的生成与金属受热面的腐蚀问题越来越受到关注。
Because computer interfaces are in English, the words used for computer-related work are also in English, introducing many `'anglicisms `'that could have been easily avoided if the software had been translated. 因为计算机使用英文界面,描述与计算机有关的工作的词也都使用英语,带来了许多通过翻译软件可以避免的“英语腔”。
Because computers are precise instruments, they are not designed to think randomly. 因为电脑是精密仪器,用电脑选号随机性不强。
Because concrete crack will greatly affect the security of concrete penstock in hydropower station, the paper applies the theory of global optimization method to predict the maximum concrete crack width in steel-lined reinforced concrete penstock and brin 摘要基于人工神经网络的全局优化方法的基本理论,对钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道外包混凝土结构裂缝预测进行了研究,提出了基于神经网络的管道混凝土裂缝预测模型。
Because construction standards vary greatly from country to country, it's important to pay close attention to how a home is built. 由于每个国家的营造水准差异很大,细心地注意一栋房子的兴建过程是相当重要的。

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