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In addition to the final term paper and midterm exam, this course requires eight response papers to readings, which are due Monday of the week of class (printed or by email).

In addition to the diversification of products, sales channels, networks, a well of talent and staff. 公司除了多样化的产品、多网络的销售渠道,还有一支精良的人才及员工队伍。
In addition to the drugs used for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, several physical maneuvers can be used to treat the condition. 良性阵发性姿势性眩晕除了以药物治疗外,有些体操也可改善其症状。
In addition to the experiments reported in this article, he has worked on more down-to-earth applications, such as gammaray and neutron tomography and the construction of tunable gamma-ray sources. 除了本篇文章所谈到的实验之外,他也从事一些比较具体的应用研究,如γ射线、中子断层摄影术,以及可调γ射线源的建造。
In addition to the exterior surface of steel quality standards should be consistent with the existing provisions of the state, there should be in line with norms. 钢材表面的外观质量除应符合国家现行有关标准的规定外,尚应符合规范的规定.
In addition to the fact of having launched the frankness, Tomb Raider original ran out to 7 million specimens. 《古墓丽影》初代不仅仅为整个系列打开了市场的大门,她还卖出了700万份拷贝的惊人销量。
In addition to the final term paper and midterm exam, this course requires eight response papers to readings, which are due Monday of the week of class (printed or by email). 除了期末报告和期中考之外,这门课还要交8份心得报告,缴交的时间应该在每次上课当周的周一(可以纸本或电子档缴交)。
In addition to the general functions of ERP, it can support the AM required functions, such as “Opportunity Driven” operation manner, supply chain planning, formation and control of dynamic alliance, risk and profit allocation and liquidation modes of dyn 该系统除具有一般企业资源计划软件的功能外,还能够支持敏捷制造的“机遇驱动”的运作方式、供应链计划、动态联盟的组成与监控、风险利润分配和联盟解体清算等多种功能。
In addition to the general public, all secondary school students, post-secondary school students, teachers and principals will also be invited to explore our campus and to attend information seminars on these two days. 除公众人士以外,我们亦会特别邀请各中学及专上学院的同学、教师及校长莅临本校参观并参与课程讲座。
In addition to the graphical dimension, the weather is a strategic element, since visibility is adjusted according to the weather. 除了图像处理之外,因为天气原因造成的能见度低的情况,所以也会成为一个策略上的重要元素。
In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical. 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果。
In addition to the influence of external international politico-economic environments, the constant improvements of institutions and operational skills account for why the EU was succeeded. 除了国际政经环境外部因素影响之外,欧盟在组织体制的不断改革与运作技巧的日益成熟也是重要原因。

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