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Tung only knows how to say good morning.

Tune in next week to hear how English is taught in China. 请在下周收听(收看)中国的英语教学情况。
Tune in on Monday to see if Johnson makes the grade. 让我们在礼拜一看看约翰逊是不是一个合格的教练。
Tune in to body messages and trust them. If you're tired, you need sleep. If you're hungry, eat. 协调并相信身体信息。如果困了,你就需要睡眠。如果饿了,就吃饭。
Tune in tonight at 11 for a complete sports update. 在今晚11点收听全面更新体育报道。
Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity rating has dropped back again after reaching the benchmark of 50. 04董建华的民望评分在重上50分后,再度回落。
Tung only knows how to say good morning. 董建华只懂说早晨。
Tung, L. C., Y. R. Chen, S. N. Chen and G. H. Kou. 1992. Fish Kidney cell line in response to heat shock. Proceeding of EMSA. 50: 704-705. 童丽珠、陈秀男、郭光雄.1992.黑鲷脾脏与肾脏细胞株之建立及其特性与应用之研究.国立台湾大学动物研究所博士论文.
Tungse's determination startled his neighbors. Your brother is a follower of Ko Tseng-chiang. How do you dare struggle?they asked. 东子的决心使邻居们感到吃惊。“你兄弟是柯增强的党羽,你怎么敢斗争呢?”他们问道。
Tungsten steel (hard alloy) forming machining: tungsten forming grinding,cylindrical grinding. 钨钢(硬质合金)成形加工:钨钢成型磨削、外园磨削.
Tunick climbs a ladder to give the immodest Mexicans their instructions for the shoot. 图尼奇登上梯子告诉志愿者们如何在镜头前摆出他规定的动作。
Tunick, from Brooklyn, N.Y., has become famous for photographing thousands of naked people in public settings worldwide, from London and Vienna to Buenos Aires and Buffalo. 来自纽约布鲁克林的摄影师图尼克因在伦敦、维也纳、布宜诺斯艾利斯和布法罗等世界各地的公共场所举办有数千人参加的裸体摄影而世界闻名。

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