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The waiting man pulled out a handsome watch, the lids of it set with small diamonds.

The waiters get good tips over and above their wages. 服务员除工资外还有不少小费.
The waiters or waitresses can serve you within 10 minutes after you order your food. 在你点餐之后,服务员会在10分钟之内把饭菜送齐.
The waiters work in a restaurant. 服务生在饭店工作。
The waiting game: Phil Hughes has some time on his hands, awaiting a New York examination on the strained left hamstring that ended his bid at a no-hitter on Tuesday in Texas. 等啊等:上周二在德州因为左腿筋拉伤而跟无安打比赛失之交臂的休斯,在等待前往纽约验伤的这段期间正閒得发慌。
The waiting list has been eliminated. 排队等候肾脏的现象也消除了。
The waiting man pulled out a handsome watch, the lids of it set with small diamonds. 说完,男子从口袋里掏出一块小巧玲球的金表。表上的宝石在黑暗中闪闪发光。
The waiting newsmen mobbed forward. 等候的记者们蜂拥向前。
The waitress brought Ellen's shrimp cocktail. 女服务生端来了艾伦的虾制开胃品。
The waitress brought our food to the table. I need a drink of water. 女服务生把我们的食物端到桌上。我需要喝口水。
The waitress brought us a pitcher of lemonade. 服务员小姐给我们送来一壶柠檬水。
The waitress came in to remove the cups. 女服务生进来收拾杯子。

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