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Adult female visitors, as well as females who would have need of a bra, shall be required to wear a bra,the draft policy also states.

Actions speak louder than words,he taught his son. 他教导儿子:「坐而言不如起而行」。
Actually, I didn't believe it at first,says Irving. “事实上,刚开始我也不敢相信。”欧文这么说。
Adding one's signature is the most common express sincere message in commerce activity , is also that authority's way, gives seal the wish expressing one kind of honor credibility , heavy credit have most. “签字盖章”是商业活动中表达诚信最常见、也是最具权威的方式,送印章表达一种讲诚信、重信誉的意愿。
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet reduces mortality,Professor D. Trichopoulos, of the University of Athens said in an interview. 「坚持地中海式饮食会降低死亡率,」雅典大学的教授垂丘普洛斯在访问中表示。
Adriano will be the great striker of world football. 阿德里亚诺将成为伟大的射手。
Adult female visitors, as well as females who would have need of a bra, shall be required to wear a bra,the draft policy also states. 规定草案称:“成年女性或是有必要佩戴胸罩的女性都必须戴上胸罩。”
Advanced products, High Quality professional service, perfect commercial reputation ,obtain success togehter with you is Lichi's promises for you . “先进的产品、优质专业的服务、完美的商誉,将与您共同成功!”是利致科技公司是对您的承诺。
Adventures in Wild Californiawill send you careening down an icy, steep mountain face with snowboarders; twirling on thermals above the clouds with skysurfers; swimming through the oceans with otters and their surrogate human mother; excavating the very h 面对冰封雪盖的陡峭山峰俯冲而下,穿着滑雪板在天空随着热气流旋转“冲浪”,与水獭和他们的人类母亲畅游海洋,与植物学家一起探究30层楼高的巨杉,在世界上最大的冲浪泡沫中冒出头来......这一切,《加州历险》将带你经历。
Adversity is the midwife of genius. 逆境造就天才。
Aeneas,Peter said to him, Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat.Immediately Aeneas got up. 34彼得对他说、以尼雅、耶稣基督医好你了.起来、收拾你的褥子.他就立刻起来了。
Aesop's Fables,is a very old book, is said to have been an ancient Greek Mingjiaoyisuo prepared by the poor.Each book has a very philosophical story, are very interesting, it is widely spread,Aesop and his famous in the world of this book, a welcome and l 《伊索寓言》是一本非常古老的故事书,据说是古希腊的一个名叫伊索的穷人编写的,书里的故事每一篇都非常有哲理性,也非常有趣,因此,广为流传,伊索和他的这本书在世界范围内闻名遐迩,受到了人们的欢迎与喜爱。

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