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A bronze statue of Louis Cha, or Jin Yong in Chinese, a Hong Kong martial art novel writer, is soon to be set up in the Peach Blossom Island in eastern Zhejiang Province, where Louis Cha has described in several of his most popular martial art novels.

A broken wood bridge, looked like was damaged by the thunderstorm. 一个断裂的木桥,看上去象是被暴风雨冲垮的。
A broker is an agent and his employment is ordinarily governed by the same principles as apply to agency generally. 经纪人是一种代理人,一般来讲,他的委托适用代理的一般原则规定。
A broker who specializes in shares,bonds,commodities,or options must be registered with the exchange where the specific securities are traded. 一个精通股票,债券,商品和买卖特权的经纪人必须在专门的政权交易所注册。
A brokerage house. 经纪人事务所
A bronze sequinned corsage, pinned on a black top, was teamed with a bronze sequinned skirt. 如别着一朵缀有青铜色金属亮片的胸花的黑色上衣,跟缀有青铜色金属亮片的裙子相搭配。
A bronze statue of Louis Cha, or Jin Yong in Chinese, a Hong Kong martial art novel writer, is soon to be set up in the Peach Blossom Island in eastern Zhejiang Province, where Louis Cha has described in several of his most popular martial art novels. 一座香港著名武侠小说家金庸(英文名为路易斯·查)的青铜雕像不日将贮立于浙江省东部的桃花岛—一个在金庸的多部畅销武侠小说里被提到的地方。
A brood of modern paintings will be exhibited at the museum. 一批现代画将在博物馆展览。
A brook bubbling along its course. 一条汩汩流动的溪水
A brown haze, which hangs on the Auckland skyline when the winds are calm, is the only visible warning sign of the growing danger. 无风的日子,悬浮在奥克兰天际线上的淡棕色雾霭,标志着空气污染在这座城市逐渐显露出来。
A brown jacket, a white sweater, a green skirt and a yellow T-shirt. 一件棕色夹克,一件白毛衣,一件绿短裙和一件黄T恤。
A brown little face, with whiskers. 一张棕色的小脸,腮边有两撇胡须。

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