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The major components of below ground organs of both grasses were fructan, mannitol and starch and L. chinensis had much higher levels than S. grandis.

The major cause for this is the deviation of state-owned enterprises used as a policy instrument from profit maximization. 而造成国有产权残缺的主要原因是,国企作为国家的政策工具而背离了利润最大化的目标。
The major cause of mortality uncommon, and it usually took place in a later stage according to some foreign studies. from liver metastasis was not So the regular liver function test and the liver echogram examination pre-and post-operatively plays an impo 肝转移通常是此症致死病因,国外统计其发生时间一般较晚,故术前术后详细及定期的肝功能及肝臓超音波检查是很重要的追踪因子。
The major change in foreign economic relations has been greater dependence on American as compared to British capital, as is happening throughout the capitalist world. 在对外经济关系上的主要变化在于,比起对英国资本的依赖,(新西兰)更多地依赖美国资本,这也是整个资本主义世界正在发生的事情。
The major clinical symptom was a palpable mass. 十个病人可以找出肿瘤的神经来源。
The major components of acidic fraction are phenols and organic acids. 酸性组分主要由酚类化合物和有机羧酸组成。
The major components of below ground organs of both grasses were fructan, mannitol and starch and L. chinensis had much higher levels than S. grandis. 其中甘露醇、淀粉和果聚糖在2种牧草地下器官中的含量均居前3位。
The major concern with folding back the foils is that the tiles might shift as a result, causing us to lose information about the direction from which any discovered particles came. 后折箔片最关键的是凝胶块可能会移动,导致那些被发现的颗粒是从哪个方向来的信息丢失。
The major contributions of predictions came from spelling, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, language usage, clerical speed and accuracy. 至于空间关系、机械推理、抽象推理则不但贡献小,且结果不稳定。
The major culprit and the core members of persons who gather to assault a railway traffic control office and pay no heed to the order to stop shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 158 of the Criminal Law. 聚从冲击铁路行车调度机构不听制止的,对首要分子和骨干分子依照刑法第一百五十八条的规定追究刑事责任。
The major customers are FAW-VW,FAW-Sedan, Shanghai-GM, Shanghai-VW, BBDC, Cherry Auto, Dongfeng Motor, Shenglong Fukang, Huachen-Jinbei,Changan Auto, Geely Group,SGMW,JMC,Zhongzhou Nissan, Jianhuai Motor, and others famous OEM in China, and self-Import an 主要用户有一汽—大众、一汽轿车、上海通用、上海大众、北京奔驰、奇瑞汽车、东风汽车、神龙富康、华晨金杯、长安汽车、吉利汽车、上汽通用五菱、江铃汽车、郑州日产、江淮汽车等国内外各大知名整车企业,并自营出口北美、欧洲、澳大利亚等国家和地区。
The major dealer centers and time zones are that of Sydney, Tokyo, London, and New York. 外汇市场以悉尼、东京、伦敦及纽约为主要的交易中心及主要交易时区。

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