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One of the Shuttle Discovery astronauts lost a spatula while out on a spacewalk today.

One of the Japanese Shinkansen “Bullet Trains” is threatened with a bomb that will explode automatically if the train slows below 80 km/h, unless a ransom is paid. 由东京出发到博多的新干线109号列车,被狂徒放了炸弹,时速必须保持80公里以,否则列车将自动爆炸。
One of the Knights of the Round Table was Lancelot. He came from France. Lancelot was kind and generous. He often gave his things to the poor. 圆桌骑士中有一位叫兰斯洛特的骑士,他来自法国。兰斯洛特为人和蔼、慷慨大方,他常常周济穷人。
One of the Mage's most powerful abilities is Polymorph, which allows him to control the number of monsters currently attacking the party. 有一种最强力的法术叫做变形术,可以让法师们限制进攻团队的怪物数量。
One of the NBA's highest scoring teams last season, the Kings were throwing up air balls and bouncing shots off the top of the backboard during their abysmal third quarter. 上赛季全联盟得分最高的球队之一的国王队,在痛苦的第三节接连投出三不沾和砸在篮板上沿.
One of the Olympic symbols is the five interlocking rings on the flag. 奥运的象徵其中之一,就是会旗上相互串连的圆环。
One of the Shuttle Discovery astronauts lost a spatula while out on a spacewalk today. 今天发现号一名宇航员在舱外漫步时丢失一把铲子。
One of the Tita , whose name was Prometheus, was wiser than the rest. He often thought about what would be likely to ha en in the future. 泰坦中有一个名叫普罗米修斯,他是巨人中最聪明的,时常思考将来会发生什么。
One of the Titans, whose name was Prometheus, was wiser than the rest. He often thought about what would be likely to happen in the future. 泰坦中有一个名叫普罗米修斯,他是巨人中最聪明的,时常思考将来会发生什么。
One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。
One of the Virginia Tech victims was buried in Israel today. 一名弗吉尼亚理工大学的遇难者今天被安葬在以色列。
One of the Yemeni men, for example, says he was questioned by American officials in a room where a picture of the president of Djibouti hung on the wall. 如其中的一个也门人说,他曾在一个墙上挂有吉布提总统画像的房间里被美国官员审问。

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