Potsdam: Perfect Combination of Classic and Modern
波茨坦:古典与现代的完美契合 |
Potter Random Notes ——Inflammation Burns the Cloud, Evening Rosy Glouu Enlightens Kiln Fire
陶工散记——心炎香云起 落霞窑火红 |
Powdery mildew, caused by Uncinula necator (Schw.)
葡萄白粉病是由葡萄白粉病菌[ Uncinula necator (Schw.) |
Power and right need to be granted by the law norm.
权力与权利需要法律规范来授予。 |
Power distribution is the key of system energy management research. As deepening of research, adaptive control, fuzzy logic control and neuroid control have been applied to this field effec-tively.
功率分配是系统能量管理策略研究的关键,随着研究的深入,自适应控制、模糊逻辑控制、神经元网络控制等方法也得到了有效的运用。 |
Power of ISM
来自ISM的动力——中国国际甜食、休闲食品展览会即将举办 |
Powered Parachute Strength Calculation
动力伞结构强度计算 |
Poxvirus is the biggest virion in nature, of which the most notorious member is Variola virus that had caused disasters to human being in the past centuries.
痘病毒是自然界最大的病毒,其中最著名的成员是曾给人类带来深重灾难的天花病毒,属于痘病毒科正痘病毒属。 |
PpMADS closely resembles the Arabidopsis AGAMOUS gene.
PpMADS和PpMADS在序列上分别与拟南芥中的AGAMOUS基因和矮牵牛中的PFG基因高度同源。 |
Practice about Video Card and Video Frequency in Multimedia Courser
多媒体教学中电视卡和视频的应用与实践 |
Practice and research for constrcting foible staff room powerful to improve stalk specialty integration ability
加强弱势教研室建设提高主干专业整体实力的实践研究 |