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Power of ISM

Potsdam: Perfect Combination of Classic and Modern 波茨坦:古典与现代的完美契合
Potter Random Notes ——Inflammation Burns the Cloud, Evening Rosy Glouu Enlightens Kiln Fire 陶工散记——心炎香云起 落霞窑火红
Powdery mildew, caused by Uncinula necator (Schw.) 葡萄白粉病是由葡萄白粉病菌[ Uncinula necator (Schw.)
Power and right need to be granted by the law norm. 权力与权利需要法律规范来授予。
Power distribution is the key of system energy management research. As deepening of research, adaptive control, fuzzy logic control and neuroid control have been applied to this field effec-tively. 功率分配是系统能量管理策略研究的关键,随着研究的深入,自适应控制、模糊逻辑控制、神经元网络控制等方法也得到了有效的运用。
Power of ISM 来自ISM的动力——中国国际甜食、休闲食品展览会即将举办
Powered Parachute Strength Calculation 动力伞结构强度计算
Poxvirus is the biggest virion in nature, of which the most notorious member is Variola virus that had caused disasters to human being in the past centuries. 痘病毒是自然界最大的病毒,其中最著名的成员是曾给人类带来深重灾难的天花病毒,属于痘病毒科正痘病毒属。
PpMADS closely resembles the Arabidopsis AGAMOUS gene. PpMADS和PpMADS在序列上分别与拟南芥中的AGAMOUS基因和矮牵牛中的PFG基因高度同源。
Practice about Video Card and Video Frequency in Multimedia Courser 多媒体教学中电视卡和视频的应用与实践
Practice and research for constrcting foible staff room powerful to improve stalk specialty integration ability 加强弱势教研室建设提高主干专业整体实力的实践研究

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