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He is not such a man as would leave his work half done.

He is not so strong underwater, but as fast in the turns as some. 他在水下游泳时不如别的运动员强壮,但在折返处同别的运动员一样快。
He is not so strongly opposed to the idea as the others. 他不象其他人那样激烈地反对这观点。
He is not so unintelligent as uneducated. 与其说他不聪明,不如说他未受过教育。
He is not stupid ,merely ignorant. 他并不愚蠢,仅仅是无知而已。
He is not such a fool as to be unable to see that point. 他并不是连那一点都看不出来的傻瓜。
He is not such a man as would leave his work half done. 他不是那种做事半途而废的人。
He is not sure about maths. 他对数学没有把握。
He is not terribly interested in politics as such. 他对政治本身并不特别关心。
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You err greatly. 27神不是死人的神,乃是活人的神。你们是大错了。
He is not the King of Scotland,Bess,’she said.‘Not before I am dead.Remember that. “他不是苏格兰国王,贝斯,”她说。“我没死,他就不是。记住这点。”
He is not the kind of person to do things by halves. 他不是做事只做一半的那种人。

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