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The basic finding: Copycat returns and primitive fund returns are not statistically different.

The basic dispute between mass experience and individual experience has therefore perhaps been less keenly felt as an everyday fact in writing than it has been in other art forms. 关于大型经历和个人经历之间的根本讨论可能变得不是那么尖锐了,因为一些日常行为成为了写作素材,而不是其他艺术形式(写得多了,见怪不怪?)
The basic economic system that public ownership is the leading factor and diversified ownership economy will be developed simultaneously. 公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度。
The basic emotions of all people are essentially the same. 所有人的基本感情 本质上都是一样的.
The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons. 基础设施社会或社区正常运作所需要的基本设施,服务和安装设备等,如交通与通信系统,水与电力供给线,以及学校、邮局和监狱等公共机构
The basic fertilizer recommendation of the Supra Insus rice intensification program is 200-300 kg urea, 50-100 kg TSP, 50-100 kg KCl and 50-100 kg ammonium sulphatd per ha. 水稻高级特殊集约化管理中,肥料推荐用量为每公顷200~300公斤尿素,50~100公斤重钙,50~100公斤氯化钾,50~100公斤硫酸铵。
The basic finding: Copycat returns and primitive fund returns are not statistically different. 这样的结果说明:跟风基金和原始基金的回报基本相同。
The basic form of business operation is set to be large-scale department store, speciality shop, and culture &entertainment industry, catering business and other supporting industries. 基本设置业态为大型百货店、专卖店、文化娱乐、餐饮及其它配套行业。
The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe. 基本的架构是解释宇宙膨胀的标准大霹雳理论。
The basic function of power distribution automation, the condition of realizing it for network, and the necessity of adopting it for network and load were briefly discussed. 文章简要探讨了配电自动化的基本功能,网络实现配电自动化的条件,网络及负荷采用配电自动化的必要性。
The basic gameplay idea behind the alternate upgrades is to give the players a new range of tactics, and to be able to adapt to each battle situation. 这些新的升级的作用是给玩家一些新的战术延升,并且可以适应各种战场状态。
The basic idea is that elementary particles are not pointlike but rather infinitely thin one-dimensional objects, the strings. 弦论最基本的观念是,基本粒子并非点状,而是无限细的一维物体,也就是弦。

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