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When detox foot patch is attached to the volar where vigour will move to, those effective components can absorb toxins accumulated in human body,thus achieve the curative effects of dispelling toxins and promoting blood circulation.It is the most easy,fas

When designing operation device, display device, driver cab, seat, overhead guards, etc., physical body dimensions, men's vision characteristics, body's bio-mechanics must be studied to enhance forklift truck operation safety. 设计叉车操纵装置、显示装置、驾驶视野、座椅位置、护顶架等时,应对人体测量数据、人的视觉特性、人体生物力学特性等进行研究,以提高叉车在使用中的主动安全性。
When designing the stencil aperture itself, common practice is to work backwards from the bump specification. 设计钢网孔本身时,一般的做法是凸起要求往后作业。
When desire blinds the mind with delusion and dust, O thou holy one, thou wakeful, come with thy light and thy thunder. 当欲念以诱惑与尘埃来迷蒙我的心眼的时候,呵,圣者,你是清醒的,请你和你的雷电一同降临。
When determining the coefficient of collaspsibility for dead weight, the saturated density which is asked to calculate saturated dead weight of loess can be obtained from the formulae and tables ,its precision can satisfy engineering demand. 在测定自重湿陷系数时,计算黄土饱和自重所需的饱和密度,根据土的天然含水量的经验估值可用所列公式或表得到,其精度能满足工程要求。
When determining the posted rate, each bank may let it float within the prescribed scope of the state in light of the local market situation. 各银行制定挂牌汇价时,根据不同地区的市场情况,在国家规定的范围内适当浮动。
When detox foot patch is attached to the volar where vigour will move to, those effective components can absorb toxins accumulated in human body,thus achieve the curative effects of dispelling toxins and promoting blood circulation.It is the most easy,fas 将排毒足贴贴在脚底,当身体的血气运行到脚底时,有效成分可将积存在人体内的毒素一一吸出,达到排毒活血疗效,是新世纪最轻松、快速、安全、有效的排毒疗法。
When developing new products,the company founded a set of perfect customer service system to help customers to solve every problem in the practical work. 此外,在不断开发新产品的同时,公司还建立了一套十分完善的客户服务体系,帮助用户解决实际工作中的各种问题。
When developing this approach, the surgeon must keep in mind the possibility of damaging the sciatic nerve. 经此入路操作时,外科医生必须牢记有损伤坐骨神经的可能性。
When dialing to Britain from other countries, you use the country code for Britain “44” and then miss out the first “0” of the area code. 如从其他国打电话给英国,请先拨英国的代码“44”然后省略区号“0”。
When diaphragm is below the horizontal line, turn adjusting collar from right to left to increase the reduced pressure - opposite to decrease the reduced pressure. 当隔膜位于水平管道下方,则从右到左旋转调节轴套增加减压-相反就是减少减压。
When diaphragm is below the line, turn adjusting collar from right to left to increase the reduced pressure - opposite to decrease the reduced pressure. 如果隔膜位于管道的下方,则从右向左旋转调节轴套以增加减压-相反减少减压。

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