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The empirical results suggest the followings: (1) The trading purposes during monthly sales announcement periods are significantly different from that of common periods.

The empirical results include: (1) Teachers' teaching management mostly suits to TQM and teaching efficiency is above average level; (2) There are significant differences between Yuda Institute of Business Technology teachers' TQM concepts and their sex, 研究之重要结论包括:育达商业技术学院教师的教学效能上能符合全面质量管理理念仍有改善空间;教师的性别、学历与教学年资等背景变项不会影响教师的全面质量管理理念;教师的学历背景变项会影响教师的教学效能;全面质量管理理念与教学效能有显着正相关,教师的全面质量管理理念越高,其教学效能愈佳;在全面质量管理理念中;以「班级顾客的期望」最能解释并预测教学效能。
The empirical results show that evident heterogeneity exists not only in labor supply selectivity but also in rates of return of worker's characteristics across the conditional distribution of wages. 实证结果显示,劳动参与选择性以及劳工特性的报酬率在工资的条件分配中呈现明显的异质性,而由此推估的性别歧视比例也随著工资高低而改变,其中以低技术层次女性受到的歧视程度最为严重。
The empirical results show that the banks with larger scale tend to have lower prime rates and that bank capital costs and operating expenses have positive effects on the prime rate pricing. 实证结果发现,银行资金成本及营业费用对基本放款利率有正向影响,而规模愈大的银行则会有较低的基本放款利率。
The empirical results show that the compensation on rice production, rice revenues, and level of rent all had a negative effect on the long-term ratio of rice production adjustment while the ratio of agricultural income had a positive effect. 实证结果显示:稻作补贴、稻作收入、和地租对长期稻米生产调整比率均有负面的影响;农业所得率则有正面影响。
The empirical results suggest that these two indexes help date the business cycle in Taiwan and improve precision in predicting turning points. 变动移转机率模型较固定移转机率模型更具有弹性,可以处理景气转折前后移转机率的变动。
The empirical results suggest the followings: (1) The trading purposes during monthly sales announcement periods are significantly different from that of common periods. 实证结果发现:(1)投资人交易动机在月营收公告期显著不同于一般交易日,事件期市场显著增加私有资讯交易的现象。
The empirical study based on VECM with cointegration shows that since reform and opening in China income distribution has negative effect on growth by decreasing the efficiency of physical capital and human capital, and financial development degree helps 结果表明:改革开放以来我国收入分配通过降低物质资本和人力资本效力影响经济增长,且金融发展程度有助于缓解收入分配对经济增长这种的负作用;经济增长通过物质资本途径扩大收入差距,通过人力资本途径缩小收入差距。
The employee is a British National Overseas and cannot return home to make an application for entry clearance. 雇员为英国海外国民,并且不能回到自己的国家申请入境许可。
The employee must buy the international ticket to China himself, the traveling expenses could be used as credit deposit, and it will be reimbursed till the contract expires. 受聘方来华国际机票,由受聘方自购,以旅费作信誉保证金,合同期满前予以报销。
The employee must hospitalize in the appointed hospital by the employer. 受聘方须在聘方指定的医院就医,在非指定医院就医费用自理。
The employee must not have been fully liable to taxation in Denmark or subject to limited tax liability on earned income or commercial income within the past three years prior to his or her employment. 在被雇佣之前的3年里,该类雇员一定不能已经在劳动收入或者商业收入上履行丹麦的完全税额或者履行限定的税收义务。

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