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After reading the book, he put it in place.

After reading Talmud, I am truly amazed by the Jews way of life and their unbelievable capabilities. 在阅读完《犹太法典》后,我的确被犹太人的生活方式以及他们难以置信的能力所震惊。
After reading about the lives of several great Americans, John became an ardent student of American history. 读了有关几个美国伟人的生平事迹后,约翰成为一个对美国历史很热心的学生。
After reading an article from the British Financial Times, I realized that the theory was not a truth as my teacher had ever indoctrinated us all the time. 读了《英国金融时报》一篇文章之后,我才明白当初老师灌输给我的那种理论是不真实的。
After reading as much as you can concerning methods of tonguing, go ahead and try, but you must be self-correcting and that is difficult to achieve. 在读了尽可能多的关于吐音的文章后,就去不断的尝试,你需要不断的自己纠正出现的问题,不过这很难。
After reading some posts from Baidu, I am introduced to Harmonica University. And it is well worth registering. 在百度里搜索“口琴”一个帖子一个帖子细细的读,说的多的还是介绍贵网站,今日一注册,不需此行!
After reading the book, he put it in place. 读完这本书后,他把书放归原位。
After reading the positive evaluations from my schoolmates who have previously interned with your company, I am definitely interested. 我的校友曾在贵公司参加实习,对贵公司评价很高。因此,我对这一职位很感兴趣。
After reading this book, you will be proficient in writing. 读完这本书, 你会精于写作。
After reading this dialogue ,I want to tell my BF that you will be my lover forever . 遇到你,是我心动的开始。爱上你,是我幸福的选择。拥有你,是我最珍贵的财富。踏上红毯,是我永恒的动力。永远爱的人,是你。
After reading,the book should put back original place. 阅读后,书应该放回原处.
After reanastomosis of the ileocolostomy and extensive surgical debridement of the left thigh wound, her condition became stable. 经过肠子再一次重接及左大腿扩大清疮后,病人情形才稳定下来。

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