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Normally the first way to fix antenna effect is changing metal layers. Insering diode is the last way. P&R tools can handle this automatically.

Normally not topcoated. May be topcoated with epoxy, polyurethane or other as recommended. 通常不要求。必要时可以复涂以环氧、聚氨酯或其他推荐涂层。
Normally sanitary napkin is consists of surface layer, absorbent layer and bottom layer, so you have to consider the materials and functions in the above three layers. 卫生巾一般由表面层、吸收层和底层三部分构成,使用时就要从这三部分的材料及作用考虑。
Normally such an initiation is given at the request of an individual or group of people. 正常地这样开始应给出个人或群体的人们请求。
Normally the automatic feeding section is composed of powder storing silos, a managing system for liquid ingredients, a weighing device, a feeding system for additives in sacks and a turbo-mixer with related cooler. 自动喂料部分一般由粉料贮存仓、液体助剂管理系统、称量装置、袋装添加剂喂料系统和一台带冷却器的涡轮式混合机组成。
Normally the brain's respiration center will detect the plummeting wxyen levels and make baby breathe deeper. At the same time, a rush of adrenalin makes the heart beat faster. 通常,大脑的呼吸中枢探测到氧气水平的下降时,会加深婴儿的呼吸。体内同时分泌出一股肾上腺素让心跳加快。
Normally the first way to fix antenna effect is changing metal layers. Insering diode is the last way. P&R tools can handle this automatically. 加二极管的原理易懂,通过接地释放静电。但加跳线的原理能不能解释一下,这个我了解得不是很清楚,谢谢!
Normally the oil surrounding the probes is nonconductive, and the control and seal leakage indicator light will be de-energized. 通常情况下,环绕探头的油是不导电的,此时控制装置和密封泄漏指示灯处于断电状态。
Normally these wastes would have to be incinerated and the ash disposed of to landfill. 正常情况下,这些垃圾必须进行焚化,并且必须使用掩埋的方法进行处理。
Normally we can't do that well for losing our temper, therefore self-control is important. 通常我们无法做好由于丢失我们的脾气,因此自我控制重要。
Normally we charge customer for the sample cost. But this time we will consider Free of Charge samples as the quantity you need is small. 我们的样品送付通常要收费,但鉴于你的数量较少,我们也可考虑免费。
Normally when keratinocytes are exposed to thesun's rays, they produce a hormone that leads to the manufacture of askin-bronzing pigment. 在通常情况下,当角质化细胞暴露在太阳射线下的时候,它们产生能够制造青铜色的皮肤的荷尔蒙。

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