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Well ,that is wonderful,you are to be congratulated.

Welcome to Felicity, I'm invited the graphic artists' community of the web. 图画艺人们的社区网页「幸福」在被招待了。
Welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!said Puss-in-Boots. “欢迎来到卡拉巴斯侯爵的城堡!”穿靴猫说。
Welcome, Kauvara! Toys we oh invalid... 欢迎,卡瓦拉!玩具我们喔伤残...
Welcome, Mary,I said. I'm so glad you'll be in our room. And this morning you can make an envelope to hold your valentines for our party on Valentine's Day. 欢迎你玛丽我说,我非常高兴你能来这房间,今天早上你可以写信告诉你的爱人在情人节来参加我们的聚会.
Welcome, Master,says the maid as she bows deeply, hands clasped in front of a starched pinafore worn over a pink dress. 大人,欢迎光临,身着粉红服装的女服务员一边说着一边向来客深鞠躬,同时,把双手合放在古板的围裙上。
Well ,that is wonderful,you are to be congratulated. “喔,真了不起,可贺,可贺。”
Well WHO the HECK is it!, screams the chief. 警长大声嚷道:“到底是什么鬼人物啊?”
Well dear,she replied,If you could learn to make love, we could fire the gardner. 『嘿,亲爱的。』,她答道:『如果你可以学会床上的功夫我们就不需要园丁了。』
Well men, said the chairman, I shall now proceed to put the matter to the vote. Will all those in favour hold up the right hand? 请大家注意,主席说道,我现在就把这件事交付表决,赞成的人请把右手举起来。
Well then! how much a day do you earn, my friend? “啊,朋友,那么你一天赚多少钱呢?”
Well then, you've spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity. “好了,现在,你已经在天堂和地狱各度过了一天,你可以做最终的选择了。”

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