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In optical character recognition, a combination of peaks and smudges that may close or partially close a loop of a character thus making it unreadable.

In opinion of some critics, Lawrence's view of nature is against evolutionism. 摘要有论者认为劳伦斯的自然观是反进化论的。
In opinion studies, more than sixty percent of the Americans questioned say they disapprove of President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. 在民意调查里,超过60%的被问到的美国人说他们不赞成布什总统对伊拉克战争的处理。
In opposition to him these citizens of Shechem set men on the hilltops to ambush and rob everyone who passed by, and this was reported to Abimelech. 25示剑人在山顶上设埋伏、等候亚比米勒.凡从他们那里经过的人、他们就抢夺.有人将这事告诉亚比米勒。
In optical character readers, to gather picture data from a field on an input document, using a special scan. 在光电字符阅读机上,用特殊扫描方法从输入文件的一个区域中获取图象数据。
In optical character recognition (OCR), a misalignment of the first character of a line with respect to the left margin. 在光符识别技术(OCR)中,某行的第一个字符相对于左页边排列不齐的现象。
In optical character recognition, a combination of peaks and smudges that may close or partially close a loop of a character thus making it unreadable. 在光学字符识别(OCR)中,亮点和黑点的一种组合,可能封闭或部分封闭字符的环形部分,因此使其无法读出。
In optical character recognition, the spectral appearance of the image dependent upon the spectral reflectance of the image, the spectral response of the observer, and the spectral composition of incident light. 在光学字符识别中,图象的光谱显现,它取决于图象的光谱反射系数、观察者的光谱响应和入射光线的光谱成分。
In optical character recognition, two mutually orthogonal sets of parallel lines used for specifying or measuring character images. 在光学字符识别中,两组相互垂直的平行线所构成的一平面网格,用来确定或量度字符图象。
In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering. 在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。
In order for Scorpios to let go of anger, they must first practice self-care. 天蝎座如果想远离怨恨,必须学会自我调理。
In order for a Grandmaster to turn out a perfect sword or breastplate, the starting item must be perfect. 因为对一个大师级的工匠来说,要想制造出来一个完美的战剑或者胸甲,那么基础的物品也必须是完美的。

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