Through your love for the Eucharist you will also rediscover the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in which the merciful goodness of God always allows us to make a fresh start in our lives.
你们热爱感恩祭的话,也会重新发现修和圣事的美好,在这圣事中,慈善怜悯的主常使我们的生活得以重新开始。 |
Through your observations about how different perspectives operate in different narratives, consider how assumptions about perspective change over time and from one place to another.
经由观察,不同的视角主导不同的叙事手法,思考有关视角的假设是如何跨越时间和地点加以演变。 |
Through “New Media Art of the Pompidou Center 1965-2005,” we'll take visitors into a world of visual creativity, drawing on digital media for an overview of the accomplishments wrought through this fusion of modern video media and into an illusory world o
通过「庞毕度中心新媒体艺术展1965~2005」,我们将带领观者进入一个影像创造的世界,并倚赖数位媒材来审视现代影像媒体与艺术的结合成果,走进录像所创造的奇幻艺术世界中。 |
Through? thousands? of? years, with? the? bloudlessness? of? time, you? happen? to? meet? them,?neither? earlier?nor? a? bit? late.
于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。 |
Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations.
纵观美国在自由政府体制上的探索历程,我们的基本目的始终是维护和平,促进人类进步,在人民中和国家之间增进自由权,提高尊严,宏扬正直的品质。 |
Throughout Chinese history, people weary of social activism and aware of the fragility of human achievements would retire from the world and turn to nature.
贯穿中国历史,人们厌烦了社会激进主义,明白到人类成就的脆弱,会从世界退下来,回归到自然。 |
Throughout Russia's turbulent history, vodka has been the ultimate remedy for people to forget their troubles.
纵览俄国风云跌宕的历史,伏特加往往成为人们忘记烦恼的最后一剂良药。 |
Throughout all generations, you have been our dwelling place, from everlasting to everlasting; you are the Lord, the Messiah.
世世代代,你作我们的居所,从亘古到永远,你是耶和华弥赛亚。 |
Throughout all his days he also eats in darkness and has much vexation and sickness and resentment.
17他终身在黑暗中吃喝,多有烦恼、病痛、愤怨。 |
Throughout eight months follow up 40 eyes (63.49%) can get good intraocular pressure control with medications. 9 eyes (22.5%) can taper medications.
历经八个月之追踪,有40眼(63.49%)能得到良好之眼压控制,甚至有9眼可减少其用药。 |
Throughout election last year, scandals came out that some candidates for governor purchased votes and asked their supporters to have multiple votings or cast fraudulent votes.
在去年的选举中,曾爆出丑闻,某些州长竞选人花钱让别人为自己投票,并让他们的支持者一人多次投票或投假票。 |