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Ru1ls: The root surface with high root caries prevalence rate are labial surfaces of incisor and canine, mandibular premolar and molar, lingual surfaces of mandibular incisor and canine and maxillary molar, distal surface of premolar and mesial surface of

Ru Shu Ji by Lu You describes what the author sees on his way into Shu, expresses his love of the country and criticism of the current politics by allusions to historical events, and embodies his intense patriotic emotion and uncompromising attitude to in 摘要陆游的《入蜀记》叙其入蜀途中的地理风光、人文历史,在奇山丽水的游览之中,抒发对祖国山水的热爱之情,并借古讽今,抨击时政,充分体现了作者强烈的爱国激情和主战精神,从而树立了南宋一代昂扬刚健的美学典範。
Ru ia and China have been o osed to threatening Iran. 俄罗斯和中国一直反对威胁伊朗。
Ru ia and China have urged the Security Council not to rush a vote on a resolution, and i tead wait for the results of a flurry of high-level diplomacy. 俄罗斯和中国敦促安理会不要就制裁决议仓促表决,而应先看一系列高层紧急外交努力是否能有结果。
Ru ia offered Malaysia a free trip into ace aboard a Soyuz acecraft three years ago to sweeten the $900-million sale of Ru ian-made fighter planes. 3年前,为了顺利向马来西亚出售价值9亿美元的俄罗斯造战斗机,俄罗斯特别提出将免费为马来西亚提供一次乘坐“联盟”号飞船进入太空的机会。
Ru's personal integrity to journalism, outstanding insight, farseeing of big enterpriseand multiple intelligences, were the key points to the success of Da Gong Bao. 胡政之操守报业的报格,将报纸营业当事业来做,具有“做大事业”的长远目光,其过人的洞察力,复合型的才智和为辜业奋斗的精神,是经营《大公报》成功的关键。
Ru1ls: The root surface with high root caries prevalence rate are labial surfaces of incisor and canine, mandibular premolar and molar, lingual surfaces of mandibular incisor and canine and maxillary molar, distal surface of premolar and mesial surface of 结果:根面龋易感性高的根面为前牙、下领前磨牙、磨牙的唇(颊)面、下前牙与上领磨牙的舌面、前磨牙的远中面、磨牙的近中面。
Ru1ts The usage rate of antimicrobials was 80.83%, the prophylactic usage rate was 80.65%, the majority (88.64%) was single usage, specimen detecting rate was 35.22%, the rational antimicrobial usage rate was 52.28%. 结果抗菌药物使用率为80.83%,预防用药率为80.65%;以单一用药为主,占88.64%;标本送检率为35.22%,合理用药率为52.28%。
Rual finance: is the accommodation of monetary fund in rural area, that is the process of organization, allocation, dispensing and operation of rural credit funds. 农村金融:农村金融就是农村中货币资金的融通,即组织、分配、调剂、营运农村信贷资金的过程。
Ruan Shaoqian) Welcome to this second edition of TCM special report. (阮少茜)欢迎收看中医系列报道第2期。
Rub alcohol on the edge of your hands if they get tender. 如果手掌外侧疼痛,就在上面搽些酒。
Rub away at that piece of wood until it is quite smooth. 好好擦擦那块木头,一直擦到光滑为止。

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