This effect was manifest after 2 weeks and persisted for at least 8 weeks of dietary treatment.
此增强效果在喂食两周后开始显现并持续了八周。 |
This effect, known as gravitational redshift, is not specific to black holes.
这种称做重力红移的效应,并不是黑洞所特有。 |
This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.
他们说,这种温室效应在使两极冰盖消退的同时,也使地球平均气温升高,海平面上升。 |
This effectively mirrors the linked duplicate with respect to the Object's center, hence the importance of keeping the center on the plane of symmetry.
这实际上是相对于该对象的中心镜象连接复制,从而维持以对称面为中心的重要性。 |
This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side.
她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。 |
This effervescent, fruit-laced concoction was first devised at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy during World War II.
这款果味浓郁的泡腾饮料二战时发明于意大利威尼斯的哈里斯酒吧,它叫什么名字? |
This effort can go instead into advancing the state of the art.
省下来的精力将被用来提高程序的品质。 |
This effort examined the possible impact and implications of DCI on Bulgaria's military strategy and modernization plans.
这项审查工作可能带来的冲击和影响dci保加利亚的军事战略和现代化计划. |
This effort feeds into a far more ambitious international undertaking focused on linking many such astronomical databases into a global virtual observatory.
这项计画还可整合到另一项更具野心的国际工作内,也就是把这类的天文资料库连结成一个全球性的虚拟观测站。 |
This egg-only propagation method means that the parasite's reproductive interests lie firmly with female hosts.
它们只透过卵子传播,因此它们的生殖利益与雌性宿主实为一体。 |
This eidence suggests that opioids are not as effectie, especially at a fetal spinal cord leel, until the postnatal period.
该理论表明,阿片剂在胎儿并不一定有效,直到出生后。 |