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Based on the cyclic prefix property of the guard intervals, it provides estimates for sampling positions of ISI-free region by combining the techniques of delay conjugate multiplication, phase difference, symbol-by-symbol average, and edge detection.

Based on the current situation of the general land use planning and the urban master planning, the main inconsistencies between them were discussed, and the significance and the basic principles of coordinating the general land use planning and the urban 摘要从土地利用总体规划和城市总体规划的现状出发,论述了两者间存在的主要矛盾,提出了协调两者的意义,探讨了土地利用总体规划和城市总体规划协调的基本思路。
Based on the current situation that both theory and industry field hold an ambiguous concept and vague definition to economy hotel,this paper analyzes and defines the economy hotel from its different economylevels;with a re-understanding to the economy le 针对目前我国业界和理论界对经济型酒店的概念界定的模糊状况,本文对经济型酒店的不同“经济”层面进行了分析和界定,并在重新理解经济型酒店“经济”层面的基础上,对不同“经济”层面的经济型酒店特征进行了分析和研究。
Based on the current studies on large pile groups, an analytical method considering slip of piles and soil and dynamic adjustment of integral whole stiffness of pile groups was put forward. 摘要在分析了大型群桩研究现状的基础上,提出了考虑桩土滑移和群桩桩顶整体刚度动态调整的分析计算方法。
Based on the current-rising-rate protection and current increment protection, the principle of DDL protection as well as its action equation is presented. 以电流上升率保护和电流增量保护为基础,提出了一种新型的DDL保护方法及整定原则,并推导出了完整的动作方程。
Based on the cutting force surface model, a polynomial equation of side cutting depth and feedrate is created to calculate the feedrate of each CL data and the calculated feedrate value is written out with the G-code position data block to an updated vers 基于切削力曲面模型,采用多项式拟合的方法构建刀具在许可切削力下的侧向切深和进给率的方程,根据建立的方程计算每个刀位点处的进给率并反写到初始的G代码文件中。
Based on the cyclic prefix property of the guard intervals, it provides estimates for sampling positions of ISI-free region by combining the techniques of delay conjugate multiplication, phase difference, symbol-by-symbol average, and edge detection. 以护卫区间循环前置的特性为基础,结合延迟共轭相乘、相位差分、符元对符元之区段式平均以及边界侦测等技术来估计非码际干扰区间的位置。
Based on the data about business enterprises and income of star hotels, travel agencies and other tourism practitioners, the article selects three indexes-industry concentration, the Gini coefficient and the Herfindahl coefficient, and analyzes the issue 选择行业集中度、基尼系数、赫芬代尔系数等指标,以相关数据为依据,探讨了中国旅游业的空间集聚问题,指出中国旅游业具有明显的空间集中分布与分散相结合的集聚特征。
Based on the data collected, the team estimates that King Tut was between 18 and 20 years old at the time of his death and approximately 5-feet 11-inches tall. 基于获得的数据,他们判断图特法老大约身高五英尺十一英寸,死时年龄在18至20岁之间。
Based on the data collection, collation, and analysis of the guarantee behavior of 45 listed companies, the paper summed up the characteristics and passible risks of it and from the angle of inside and outside of companies, the paper tries to put forward 本文通过对安徽45家上市公司担保数据的收集、整理、分析,总结出其担保的特征及可能引发的风险,并试图从公司内外两个视角提出相应的政策建议。
Based on the data from 25-year rice anther culture breeding and contemporary conventional breeding in cold region, their selection efficiency were compared. 对25年寒地水稻花培育种与同期常规育种统计资料进行了比较分析。
Based on the data from a sample survey entitled Study of Population Childbearing Willing in Guangdong conducted by population and family planning committee of Guangdong province and Population Institute of Sun Yat-Sen University in October 2004, this pape 摘要本文利用广东省人口与计划生育委员会与中山大学人口研究所2004年10月进行的题为“广东省人口生育意愿研究”的抽样调查数据,分析了个人因素、政策因素以及生育目的对广东人口意愿生育数量的影响。

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