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The research indicated that the conductance measurement could appraise the characteristic and velocity of slow release fertilizer fast and accurately and qualitatively, while soil culture method and water cultivation could determine its supply performance

The research has brought forward one theory about coping style. 摘要本研究提出一种关于应对风格的理论构想。
The research has indicated: the bearing capacity and elastic stiffness of the vertical stiffener is bigger; the length has do contribution both to the bearing capacity and stiffness; the length just has influence on stiffness. 研究表明:垂直加劲肋节点承载力、弹性刚度较大;垂直加劲肋长度对节点承载力和刚度都有贡献;加劲肋高度只对节点刚度有影响。
The research in future on preparing 2-thiopheneacetic acid would be to cut down the cost of production, to improve the reaction yield and to reduce the environmental pollution. 指出2-噻吩乙酸合成工艺的难点在于简化生产工艺、提高反应收率、降低生产成本以及减少环境污染。
The research in this paper is expected to provide helpful reference for the future design of pedestrian bridge with spacial double-layer cable system and abnormity steel box girder. 通过本文的研究,以期为今后空间布置的双层索系以及异形钢箱梁斜拉桥在人行景观桥梁设计中的应用提供有益参考。
The research includes a social component and an ecological one. 她的研究包含了社会以及生态的层面。
The research indicated that the conductance measurement could appraise the characteristic and velocity of slow release fertilizer fast and accurately and qualitatively, while soil culture method and water cultivation could determine its supply performance 研究表明,可以用电导率法快速准确地定性评价缓释肥料的供肥特性和供肥速度,用土壤培养法和水培法定量测定其供肥性能。
The research indicates that microscale vortex dislocation is another important growth mechanism of some gem crystals. 通过对宝石晶体中微尺度涡旋位错的表征和示踪,初步证实涡旋位错是某些宝石矿物晶体又一重要的生长机制。
The research indicates that the determination of groundwater flow rate is the key to energy saving of GSHPPRSW. 研究表明,地下水流量的选取是同井回灌地下水地源热泵节能的关键。
The research indicates that the microscale spiral (vortex) growth dislocation is another important growth mechanism of Pteria penguin and blister pearl from Sanya, Hainan Province. 通过对该珍珠层的表徵与示踪,初步证实微尺度螺旋(涡旋)生长位错是海南三亚企鹅贝及其附壳珍珠又一重要的生长机制。
The research indicates that the model is effective and believable, which could represent the realistic environmental system of a mining area. 研究表明,所建立的模型是有效的和可信的,能够充分代表现实的矿区环境系统。
The research indicates that this method is of better convergence and higher retrieval efficiency. 研究表明,该方法具有较好的收敛性和较高的搜索效率。

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