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The boys in the street have become very insolent and it is more than flesh and blood can bear.

The boys have decided to go camping next week. 男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。
The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。
The boys in Blue looked visibly hot under the colour as they considered their options. 这群蓝军男人在考虑如何回应时,都明显地显得貌似很难为情。
The boys in our school are not allowed to keep long hair. 在我们学习男生是不允许留长头发的。
The boys in the class clubbed together to buy a football. 这班的男孩子共同集资买一足球。
The boys in the street have become very insolent and it is more than flesh and blood can bear. 街上的男孩变得非常无礼,到了人所不能忍受的地步。
The boys in this photo are watching a pie-eating contest at a fair in Kansas in 1939. 相片中的男孩正在观看吃派竞赛,拍摄背景为1939年,堪萨斯州的展览会上。
The boys light crackers in the street. 男孩们在街道上放鞭炮。
The boys liked to skip stones on the lake. 男孩子喜欢在湖面上用石子打水漂。
The boys listened to my story with eager attention. 男孩们以热切的心情非常注意地倾听我的故事。
The boys love roaming about in the fields and woods. 男孩子们喜欢在田里和森林里漫游。

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