During the experiment, the fatigue-loading was paused after fixed fatigue cycle and the white-light speckle patterns were acquired without loading.
在疲劳加载过程中,按一定的疲劳周次在零载荷状态下停机,并采集试件表面上预先制备的白光散斑图。 |
During the experiment, the ultrasonic sensor was arranged for vertical to bin bottom and to the slope of a cone.
并将超音波感测器测出值,以估算体积乘上密度之方式来推算稻谷重量。 |
During the exploration it was linked to a main computer by a fibre-optic cable that carried video signals and controlled all aspects of the robot's movement.
在整个过程中,机器人通过一根光缆将视频信号传输给主计算机。同时,主计算机也通过这根光缆对机器人进行全方位的控制。 |
During the extra kick, maintain a tightly streamlined body line just below the surface – feeling much as you did when doing the Underwater Kicking exercise above.
第二次蹬腿时,使身体在水面下保持一种紧张的流线型——做以上水下蹬腿练习时,努力体会你的动作。 |
During the fall, dead deer were taken to registration areas, where state employees in protective suits and gloves dragged carcasses from pickup trucks and lifted them onto plastic-covered picnic tables.
秋天时,死去的鹿从扑灭区被送往指定地,州政府的工作人员穿著防护衣及手套,把尸体从小货车里拖出来,抬到覆盖著塑胶布的野餐桌上。 |
During the federal government study, which was finished last month, hundreds of wildlife experts and volunteers trapped dozens of elephants and installed radio and satellite collars on them.
在联邦政府研究期间,数百种野生动物专家,志愿者捕捉到了十几头大象,并在它们身上安装了无线电和卫星装置。 |
During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor.
节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗. |
During the festival, unmarried girls joined a foot race in three age groups.
活动期间,未婚的女孩分成3个年龄组参加赛跑。 |
During the festive period we might often binge with friends or eat less regularly, leading to the accumulation of waste and toxins in our body.
春节期间经常进食大量肉类、煎炸油腻食物,加上食无定时,肠胃很容易积聚大量宿便,引致害菌大量繁殖和产生毒素。 |
During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing.
发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。 |
During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent.
在拳击比赛中,一名拳击手只是凶猛地在空气中猛击,却打不到他的对手。 |