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But it is now much more common for hypnotists simply to ask a subject to stare at a small, stationary object—such as a colored thumbtack on the wall—during the “induction patter,” which usually consists of soothing words about relaxation and suggestions t

But it is not just diabetes that is hitting Britain`s poor hardest: Women from poorer communities have a 50-percent higher obesity rate than their more advantaged peers, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 50 percent more likely to smoke, with a 但是向英国最贫穷地屈袭来的并不仅仅是糖尿病:贫穷地区的妇女患肥胖症的几率比富人区高50%,而且来自贫穷地区人吸烟的可能性也比富人区高50%,他们都要忍受由吸烟的习惯带来的健康问题的困扰。
But it is not just the quantity, but also the quality, of their money that matters. 不过,慈善事业不止是要求量,更要求质。
But it is not only a tool but also a reference appearing in the texts to clarify and intensify certain ideas. 而且这还不仅仅是一种工具,还包含着参照物的作用来强调和澄清一些观点。
But it is not that as the offense was, so also the gracious gift is; for if by the offense of the one the many died, much more the grace of God and the free gift in grace of the one man Jesus Christ have abounded to the many. 15只是过犯不如恩赐;若因一人的过犯,多人都死了,神的恩典,与耶稣基督一人恩典中白白的恩赐,就更加洋溢的临到多人。
But it is noteworthy that although the general trend is slowly increasing, the reduction of the ecosystem services value in local area was very keen. 陕北黄土高原生态系统服务功能价值在空间分布上存在一定的差异。
But it is now much more common for hypnotists simply to ask a subject to stare at a small, stationary object—such as a colored thumbtack on the wall—during the “induction patter,” which usually consists of soothing words about relaxation and suggestions t 不过,现在的催眠师多半只要求人们盯著一个小而且固定不动的目标,例如墙上一枚有颜色的图钉,同时实施「语言诱导」,通常是利用安抚性的字句让人放松及专心。
But it is now nearly finished. 然而现在,它即将大功告成。
But it is now the oldest nation in the Americas, Ms. Bender said, and the aging process is only going to speed up from here. 但是加拿大现在是美洲最老的国家,而老龄化的进程越来越快。
But it is now thought that this is not so. 但现在人们认为,情况并非如此。
But it is occurring much earlier than anyone had expected in middle-income places. 但是,在中等收入国家,肥胖发生得比人们预期的早很多。
But it is only a brief visit. 但是这仅仅是一次短暂的旅行。

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