Destructions of the area of nucleus of solitary tract, which affects bradycardia and sometimes hypotension; as well as the midbrain reticular formation, which does not show any cardiovascular responses, yielded much less significant effects.
这些研究结果除证实了以前所发表有关旁中线网状核对许多心脏血管系统的生理现象有抑制作用外,也显示出此神经细胞核对多种活动及行为的抑制作用。 |
Destructive chemical agents called oxygen-free radicals, produced by normal cellular processes and in response to loud noise and exposure to powerful antibiotics, can damage the hairs.
美国密歇根医疗学院大学的约钦·沙赫特和其同事发现,水杨酸盐(阿司匹林中含有的重要的抗氧化成分)能够保护那些使用抗生素类药物的患者的听觉毛细胞。 |
Destructive testing proved support capacity of 48,000 lbs. concentric vertical load without noticeable deformation.
破坏性实验证明这些支撑架在支撑能力达21,770公斤同轴垂直负载下,仍然没有明显的变形。 |
Detach syringe and leave a meniscus of mixture on the hub of the balloon lumen.
取下注射器并在球囊腔的针座内留下一半月形的液面。 |
Detach the arches from the carpet and remove all pendants.
把架子连饰物从垫子上拆下。 |
Detach the management and technic which we already done.
管理与技术分开,项目部内部高度自治,这个我们已经做了。 |
Detach the sensing line from the inlet ball valve and the elbow on the relief valve.
从进口球阀和安全阀上的弯头处拆卸感应管道。 |
Detached by spiritual intelligence from everything, controlling the mind, without material desires, one attains the paramount perfection in the cessation of reactions by renunciation.
用灵性智能使人脱离所有事物的束缚,控制心念,没有了物质欲望,人就终止了因果报应,得到了解脱,从而获得了最终的圆满。 |
Detachment brings you to ultimate bliss. Non-self gains merits. Non-abiding brings you to the pureland. Non-arising gains merits.
无心是极乐,无我成好事,无住严净土,无生功德生。 |
Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.
入定与某人的物质环境所分离,如在冥思或白日梦中 |
Detail Make of Acrylic board, Double-duty, MaiSiPillow, Handrail, Handled sprinkling.
功能说明以高质量的压克力(丙烯酸)板制成,豪华双人按摩缸,带美思枕,扶手,花洒. |