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These educational resources and services include textbook-based instructional programs, curriculum web sites, digital media, assessment materials, and ongoing professional development for teachers.

These earrings measure approximately 1 1/4 inch in diameter, 1/16 in width and weigh 3 grams. 耳环直径约为1.25英寸,宽为0.0625英寸,重3克。
These easily recognizable alterations in skull and brain morphology are often more readily attainable than detailed spinal iews. 这些颅骨和脑的形态改变很容易辨认,比详细的脊柱图像更容易得到。
These economic forecasts, with their inbuilt promise of prolific financial returns, spawned a massive public and private sector investment in and roll-out of digital multi-channel networks and data delivery systems. 这些经济预测以其内在的对高利润回报的信心,促使公众和私人机构大量投入资金,用以铺设数码多频道网络和数据传送系统。
These educational activities provided me with excellent opportunities, as well as exposure to many exciting components of Tetra Pak. 新人在这个优秀的公司里能够健康的成长,为公司的进一步发展和壮大发挥自己应有的作用。
These educational partnerships contribute to regionally coordinated higher education development, and capacity building of higher education institutions and human resources development in western areas. 对口支援推动了我国高等教育的区域协调发展,提升了西部地区高校办学质量,为西部地区培养人才作出了很大贡献。
These educational resources and services include textbook-based instructional programs, curriculum web sites, digital media, assessment materials, and ongoing professional development for teachers. 这些教学资源及服务包括以教材为主的教学项目设置,网络教程,多媒体,评估测试以及对在职教师的专业培训。
These educational toys give children a feeling of self-worth by arousing their interest in challenging tasks. 这些教育玩具通过激起孩子们对于挑战性任务的兴趣,给他们一种自尊的感觉。
These effects combine to produce a plethora of interesting signals that can be sought in experiments. 这些效应结合起来,会制造出一大堆有趣讯号,能够利用实验探索。
These effects come in two types: spell-like and supernatural. 这些效果包括两类:类法术和超自然。
These effects have been confirmed in highly sensitive experiments, and relativity is now a basic, everyday tool of experimental physics: particle colliders take advantage of the increase in mass and lifetime of fast particles; experiments with radioactive 这些效应已经由高灵敏度的实验证实,而且相对论现在已成为实验物理学基本的日常工具:粒子对撞机利用增加快速粒子的质量与生命期来进行实验;放射性同位素的实验则依靠质量转变成能量。
These effects were probably the result of some biochemical changes Dr Dunlap saw in the treated ewes. 这些效应可能就是丹拉普博士在经过处理的母羊身上看到的一些生物化学变化的结果。

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