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In the interest of your safety , there are tow belts on the sides of your seat that can be buckled together around your waist .

In the interactive net teaching system, a server interacts with clients by transmitting a lot of files. 摘要在互动式网络教学系统中,服务器需要传输大量的文件用于同客户端进行交互。
In the interactive rendering process, a data block scheduling algorithm is used to realize the view-dependent paging. 在给定参数的控制下,将多分辨率数据分为内外存两部分。
In the interest of our clients, we would train their technical staff at request. 从客户利益出发,我们会应客户要求培训他们的技术人员。
In the interest of safety, they decided to go by train and not go by plane. 例)出于安全的考虑,他们决定坐火车而不是坐飞机去。
In the interest of time, we left early. 例)出于时间的考虑,我们提前出发了。
In the interest of your safety , there are tow belts on the sides of your seat that can be buckled together around your waist . 在您坐椅上备有两条可以对扣起来的安全带,当飞机在滑行、起飞、颠簸和着陆时,请您系好安全带。
In the interests of hygiene , please do not smoke in the shop. 为健康着想,请不要在本店吸烟。
In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in the shop. 为健康着想,请不要在本店吸烟。
In the interests of safety overcrowding of the poll will not be permitted. 为了保障安全,进入游泳池内人员不要过分拥挤。
In the interests, the famous EC websites make interests through charging fees such as rent, sale and bid commissions and ad-rate. 从盈利上看,电子商务门户网站通过收取网上店铺租金,网络商品销售、拍卖佣金及网络广告费等方式赚钱。
In the interface of function,PI1 provide four ways of information embed,user definition,directly into information,copy stop and investigation,user can select different ways according to the requirement. 在功能设定界面中,PI1为用户提供了四种信息埋入的方式,其中包括用户自定义设置,打印提示埋入文件,防止拷贝和追迹,用户可以根据自己的情况选择不同的方式。

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