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The headmaster had ceased to thump Rodin's Thinker down on the desk as an example to the young.

The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school. 校长决定开除该生以儆效尤.
The headmaster extended our holiday by four days. 校长把我们的假期延长了四天。
The headmaster failed to strike the right note in his speech on diligence and the lazy pupils continued to idle away their time. 小学校长关于勤奋的讲话没有取得所需要的效果,那些懒惰的学生照样把他们的时间浪费掉。
The headmaster gave the boys a scolding. 校长训斥了那些男生.
The headmaster had an air of disapproval when he saw Peter. 校长看见彼得时显出一副满不赞许的样子。
The headmaster had ceased to thump Rodin's Thinker down on the desk as an example to the young. 校长已经不再把洛丁的思考者重重地板在桌上作为年轻人的榜样了。
The headmaster has made a decision of suspension of a pupil from school. 校长已经做出对一名学生停学处分的决定。
The headmaster is a powerful man. 校长是个强有力的人物。
The headmaster is giving away prizes to the winners. 校长在给优胜者颁发奖品。
The headmaster of Cedar Primary School visited our school. 新加坡四德小学校长访问巴蜀。
The headmaster patted the pupil on the shoulder. 校长轻轻拍拍那个学生的肩膀。

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