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As often as not the buses are late on foggy days.

As of today, the question of how to eradicate the roots of terrorism still remains unanswered. 迄今为止,如何铲除恐怖主义根源的问题尚未找到答案。
As officers rush to the scene, the enemy gathers its forces. 当警方冲到现场时,敌人便集结自己的兵力。
As officers wheeled in the defendant, the man started kicking his attorney. 当法警将坐在轮椅上的被告推入法庭时,这名被告开始踢打他的律师。
As often as I\'ve read this speech, getting a lump in my throat every time. 每当我阅读这篇演讲词的时候,总感觉心情激动,如鲠在喉。
As often as not the buses are late in peak hours. 公共汽车在高峰时间往往脱班。
As often as not the buses are late on foggy days. 遇多雾天气时,公共汽车经常晚点。
As often as the trumpet sounds, he says, Aha! And from afar he smells the battle, The thundering of captains and the shouting. 25角每发声,牠就说,阿哈!牠从远处闻着战气,又听见军长大发雷声,和兵丁呐喊。
As oil is priced in dollars, a rising euro helps to offset oil price rises for consumers in western Europe. 由于石油价格以美元标价,欧元的上升将有助于抵消石油价格上涨给西欧消费者带来的影响。
As older, out-of-date plants closed down, slaughter capacity was met by US plants due to ease of access. 当老旧工厂关闭,美国工厂因就近方便,所以补足了屠宰量。
As on a crowded dance floor, the congestion in a globular cluster can cause the neutron star to move closer to its companion, or to swap partners to form an even tighter pair. 如同在一个拥挤的舞厅里一样,球状星团里的壅塞局面会让中子星和它的伴星靠得更近,或者彼此交换舞伴,结合成更牢固的组合。
As on most Saturday afternoons, there was little for Nasim or his friends to do. 好比说在大部分的周六下午,内辛或他朋友没什麽事好做。

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