Bioinformatics The creation and maintenance of databases of biological information.
生物信息学:创建和维护生物信息数据库。 |
Bioinformatics also includes the integration and “mining” (detailed searching) of the ever-expanding databases of information from these disciplines.
生物信息学还包括对从这些学科中得到的不断膨胀的数据库的整合与挖掘。 |
Bioinformatics is advancing the new field of Clinical Genomics by providing the tools and the technologies used to bridge the gap between molecular biology and clinical medicine.
生物资讯藉由提供工具和科技跨越鸿沟搭起分子生物学与临床医学的桥梁,正迈向临床基因的新领域。 |
Bioinformatics. He is a student of Aikido and a dental student at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
詹姆斯.罗瑟西北大学生物技术学硕士,主攻药物化学,在伊立诺伊大学期间学习合气道。 |
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Development of the concept of symmetry switch” by studying nonplanar metalloporphyrins as models to elucidate the biological consequences of macrocycle deformation on hemoproteins.
生物无机化学:以非平面金属的模型研究,探讨血红素蛋白中大环变形对其生物功能之影响,并从而建立〝对称开关〞的概念。 |
Biologic behaior is benign with no recurrence or metastases.
该瘤的生物学行为呈良性,不会有复发或转移。 |
Biological Defense fertilization, organic bio-fertilizer, bio-bacterial manure production sales.
生物冲施肥、有机生物肥、生物菌肥生产销售。 |
Biological and/or immunochemical activity should be assessed using the same analytical procedures used to determine product potency.
确定生物和/或免疫化学活性的分析方法应当要和用来确定产品效力的分析方法一样。 |
Biological ascension requires that one not plug into an outside energy source, but rather reweave the grid work and alter the physical structure to hold a higher vibration of one's own volition.
而生物体的提升却需要你并不接入外在的能量源而只是重编晶格层,并据你自身意志转变物质层结构来持有更高级别的振动。 |
Biological clock The internal mechanism of an organism that regulates CERCADIAN RHYTHMS and various other periodic cycles.
生物钟:生物体内部的一种控制昼夜节律和各种其他周期性节律的机制。 |
Biological communities can adapt to severe changes in environmental condition by gradually developing different and often more complex communities (principle of ecological succession).
生物群落可逐渐发展出不同的,通常是更复杂的群落结构,以适应剧烈的环境变化。 |