If we believe that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself , we have at least a partial answer to the standing difficulty of Theism - the problem of evil and suffering.
如果我们相信“上主藉基督让世人跟他和好”,我们对于“壹神论”的老大难——邪恶和苦难的问题,至少获得部分的答案。 |
If we bide our time the chance will come.
只要我们等待时机,总会有希望的。 |
If we brainstorm about a problem we can get many different new ideas and find a solution.
如果我们对一个问题进行讨论就会得到很多不同的新观点从而找到一个解决方案。 |
If we bring in yet more new players next season there will be the whole excuse once more of needing to adapt and to get used to playing together.
如果下赛季我们引进更多的新球员,就会有更多诸如需要适应或习惯磨合等作为借口了。 |
If we buy a new car, it will eventually go from being our pride and joy to being a scruffy set of wheels with an irritating rattle.
比如说你买了辆新车,这个曾经一度带给你骄傲和快乐的宝贝最终在你眼中会变成一堆破旧轮胎外加发出阵阵怪声的废铜烂铁。 |
If we buy the disused church, we could make it into an attractive home.
如果我们把这座闲置的教堂买下来,就可以将其改造成一个很吸引人的家。 |
If we bypass the town we'll miss all the traffic.
如果我们绕过市区,我们就会避开所有的车辆。 |
If we calculate the tangent of this angle, we now have a value that corresponds to the ratio between the displacement on the X axis versus the distance away from the viewer on the Y.
如果我们计算这个角的正切,我们就可以知道相应的比值:X轴上的位置相对于Y轴上的观察者的距离的比值。 |
If we can change our position so it is more in line and more in harmony with gravitational energy, then our tendency to randomness, disorder, and deterioration will decrease.
如果身体的姿势和地球重力和谐起来的时候,身体的散满、无序、日趋恶化就会减少并改善。 |
If we can discover how the brain works/functions,the better use we will be able to put it to .
176如果我们能够发出大脑是看样工作的,我们将能更好地运用它。 |
If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way.
如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。 |