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Glide. Subject glides at speed of 20 ft.

Glenner, G. G. Amyloid ?protein and the basis for Alzheimer's disease.Prog Clin Biol Res. 317 (1989): 857-68. 有关阿兹海莫症中类淀粉蛋白质以及其基础〉《尖端临床生物研究杂志》.317(1989):857-68.
Gley (glei) A waterlogged soil lacking in oxyen, in which raw humus accumulates as a result of lack of decomposition by bacteria. 潜育土:是一种氧含量低而水含量很高的土壤,由于缺少分解性细菌而在其内积累了大量的腐殖质。
Gley soils are typical of tundra, meadows, and boggy areas. 该种土壤是苔原、草地以及沼地所特有的。
Glia influence the formation of synapses and help to determine which neural connections get stronger or weaker over time; such changes are essential to learning and to storing long-term memories. 神经胶细胞会影响突触的形成,也会帮助决定神经连结随时间而增强或减弱,这种变化是学习与储存长期记忆所必需的。
Glia, even though they outnumber nerve cells nine to one, were thought to have only a maintenance role: bringing nutrients from blood vessels to neurons, maintaining a healthy balance of ions in the brain, and warding off pathogens that evaded the immune 虽然神经胶细胞的数目是神经元数目的九倍,但被认为只扮演维护的角色:将血管里的养份输送给神经元、维持脑中适当的离子平衡,以及抵抗侵入免疫系统的病原。
Glide. Subject glides at speed of 20 ft. 滑翔术:受术者以20呎的速度滑翔。
Glider flights (Aerobatic flights) overhead Huang Cun field, radius 15km altitude 2000m below. 黄村机场上空滑翔机飞行(特技飞行),半径15公里,高度2000米以下。
Gliding and leveling are considered in longitudinal landing simulation study. 其纵向着陆仿真研究,主要考虑下滑段和拉平段。
Gliding dreamily across their imaginery pond, reflected light glitters in water droplets at wing tips represented by 14 tiny diamonds. 它们如痴如幻般滑过梦想中的池塘,翅尖挂着的水珠在光的折射下熠熠生辉,这些翅尖用14颗小钻石点饰而成。
Gliding system can adjust the knives accurately and quickly. 滑动式调刀系统,调整刀具准确、快捷。
Glimpsed through undraped windows as they darted from room to room, the slim figures of the children seemed to grow ever fatter until, finally, the kitchen door flew open and out burst three awesomely bundled objects that set instantly to rolling in the s 透过窗户,只见那家的几个孩子在几间房屋里来回跑动,瘦小的身影似乎变得越来越胖,最后,厨房门蓦地打开了,蹦出来三个包裹得圆圆滚滚的小东西,在雪地里打起滚来。

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