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To be a good debater one needs to master several basic debating skills.

To be a child , to be an adolescent, to be an adult, and so forth-each of these biographical phases is legitimated as a mode of being in the symbolic universe (most often, as a particular mode of relating to the world of the gods). “成为小孩,成为青年,成为成年人,如此下去──生平中的不同阶段均在象徵共同体具有正当性下作为人类的形式(更常是做为一个特殊的形式关联到神的世界)。”
To be a child, to be an adolescent, to be an adult, and so forth-each of these biographical phases is legitimated as a mode of being in the symbolic universe(most often, as a particular mode of relating to the world of the gods. 一个孩童、青少年、成人等等—他生命中的每个阶段,都以归属于象徵共同体的模式,来取得正当性(更常被当做与神的世界有关的特定模式)。
To be a cultivated person like LEEHOM. 向力宏一样,作个有修养的人。
To be a document of title a document must purport to be issued by or addressed to a bailee and purport to cover goods in the bailee's possession which are either identified or are fungible portions of an identified mass. 作为产权文件,其必须由受托人签发且其包含的货物处于受托人的占有之下,该货物可以是特定的也可以是特定量中可替代的部分。
To be a druggist you have to study chemistry. 要成为药剂师你必须学习化学。
To be a good debater one needs to master several basic debating skills. 要成为出色的辩论家,必须得掌握几种基本的辩论技巧。
To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event. 要做一个好的观众,你应该花点时间去学习不同体育项目的规则要求和相关的文化。
To be a great experimentalist, you must understand both theory and technique! 为了成为一个出色的实验人员,你必须了解理论与技巧!
To be a human will sometimes be fun, because we know happiness will come again due to similarity. 做人有时很有趣,因为相似,我们知道快乐会重来。
To be a human will sometimes be tedious in that the things happened were too similar. 做人有时很闷,因为发生的事太相似了。
To be a leader of men,one must turn one's back on men. 如果想做人们的领导者,就必须以后背对他们。

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