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I cry aloud with my voice to the Lord; I make supplication with my voice to the Lord.

I crossed my heart with my character . 我以我的人格起誓.
I crossed out three of the words. 我删掉其中三个字。
I crossed the street in ten strides. 我十大步走到街那边。
I crouched behind the sofa. 我蹲在沙发后面.
I cruise into the middle of the sector and take a look at what is in scanner range. 我巡游到了地区中部,看看扫描仪都能看到些什么。
I cry aloud with my voice to the Lord; I make supplication with my voice to the Lord. 诗142:1〔大卫在洞里作的训诲诗、乃是祈祷。〕我发声哀告耶和华.发声恳求耶和华。
I cry for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode III, but not for the tsunami victims. 观赏星际大战三部曲时我为了安纳金天行者落泪,但对于海啸难民我没有流一滴泪。
I cry hopelessly. 我绝望地哭泣。
I cry out in surprise. 我吓得叫出来。
I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. 2我要求告至高的神,就是为我成全诸事的神。
I cry silently. 我无声地哭泣。

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