This site offers information of CHER, it's research activities and areas, events and seminars, annual colloquium, marine lectures, and related links.
该网站提供了研究中心的专题讨论会、每年一度的国际海洋学会议信息、中心研究项目和研究区域、海洋学研究论文以及相关的海洋学研究网络链接等。 |
This site provides access to geoscience information from Australian governments at state and federal levels.
描述:该站点提供了对澳大利亚国家和联邦地球科学信息的访问。 |
This site provides comprehensive information on the sociological aspect of elderly abuse, clear definition on the type of elderly abuse and the role of different professionals.
提供从社会学角度了解长者被虐的原因、定义、种类及在处理长者被虐个案时不同专业的角色。 |
This site provides pharmaceutical intermediates industry information and supply and demand information delivery platform for free for domestic and foreign professionals.
本站为国内外专业人员提供医药中间体行业资讯,以及免费的供求信息发布平台。 |
This site serves as an information gateway connecting users with sellers.
这个站点担当信息门户连接的用户与卖主。 |
This site was home not only to the athletic events held there but to concurrent patriotic and religious festivals as well.
这个地方不但是运动会的故乡同时也是爱国与宗教性质兼具的庆典所在。 |
This site, comprising several protected areas, is situated predominantly along the Great Escarpment on Australia's east coast.
中东部雨林保护区由若干个受到保护的区域组成,主要分布于澳大利亚东海岸的大陡坡附近。 |
This site, though potentially interesting to archaeologists, held no promise of harboring the much more ancient quarry we were after.
这个遗址考古学者也许会感兴趣,而我们想找的是更古老的化石。 |
This situation calls for a rapid and fundamental reorientation in our thinking, particularly on the part of planners and institutions involved in the process of construction.
这种形势要求我们对思想进行快速而深刻的定位,尤其是在规划者和建造过程所包含的体系部分。 |
This situation can give rise to delayed re-breeding and a high number of first litter animals culled for the reproductive failure.
这种状况下,会导致初产母猪发情延迟,由于繁殖力差而引起的第一胎窝仔猪淘汰数多。 |
This situation conflicts with the naive theoretical picture originally painted of this medium as an almost ideal, weakly interacting gas.
这个结论和原本以为这种介质是一种交互作用微弱、近乎理想气体的素樸理论图像相牴触。 |