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The pictographic nature of the Chinese writing system helps to stimulate the thinking faculty of children. Their intelligence develops better while they learn the characters.

The picnic lasted all afternoon. 野餐持续整个下午。
The picnic was fantastic, we had a ba\*! 野餐棒极了,我们玩得真痛快!
The picnic was fantastic, we had a ball! 野餐棒极了,我们玩得真痛快!
The picnic will be held out of doors. 野餐将在户外进行。
The picnic's going to turn out very exciting. 这次野餐将会令人十分兴奋的。
The pictographic nature of the Chinese writing system helps to stimulate the thinking faculty of children. Their intelligence develops better while they learn the characters. 这是因为汉字的象形特性,对激发孩童的思考能力有帮助。因此,在学习汉字的过程中,孩童们的智商也无形中提高了。
The pictorial representation and manipulation of data, as used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational programs. 图形,制图数据的图形显示和操作,如用于计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造、排字、版画作品、和教育及娱乐程序
The pictorial representation and manipulation of data, as used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational programs. 一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。
The picture a point introduction is each to join the exhibition the creative result in section technology in business enterprise, government and reform the result; Talking over a productivity for and being taken by each business enterprise creative result 图片位重点介绍各参展企业、政府部门科技创新成果及改革成果;洽谈位及由各企业携带科技创新成果或项目设位进行介绍创新价值、市场前景及相关内容,从而为云南省科技创新成果的生产力转化搭建一个平台。
The picture agrees with reality or not;it is right or wrong;true or false. 21那图画与现实或者一致,或者不一致;它或者正确,或者错误;或者为真,或者为假。
The picture based on index content, which can index for the original picture according to the interested region, resolve the problem that index picture dim and distort which cause by index picture directly compressed or amplified. 摘要基于内容的索引图片根据原图片的感兴趣区域对原图进行索引,有效地解决了现有索引图片由于直接缩放而造成的模糊不可辨别以及失真变形等问题。

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