When vertically mounted on the roof, the fan can be added with hood just like roof-style fan.
垂直安装吸、排风式如用于屋顶上,可增设风帽。似屋顶式风机。 |
When veryone had assembled in the graveyard, heard the friar's explanation, and seen the bodies of the unfortunate young lovers, they all realized what a stupid thing their quarrel had been.
在所有的人都到了墓地,听了修道士的说明,且眼见这对不幸情侣的尸首后,方才悔悟彼此的争执是多麽愚不可及。 |
When view distances are med/high, flying at altitude while inverted can give you a great view of the terrain below.
当能见度为中或高时,飞行高度保持在当你倒飞时时下面的地形视野良好的状态。 |
When viewed by scanning electron microscopy, the appearance of these reconstructed adipose tissues was strikingly similar to subcutaneous fat.
扫描电镜显示,构建的脂肪组织与皮下脂肪极为相似。 |
When viewed from the front to rear while moving at a walk the Siberian Husky does not single-track, but as the speed increases the legs gradually angle inward until the pads are falling on a line directly under the longitudinal center of the body.
行走时从前向后看,西伯利亚雪橇犬的步态不是做单轨运动,但是随着速度的加快,腿逐渐向内靠拢,直至脚趾全部落在身体纵向中轴线上。 |
When viewed from the side, reach and drive should indicate maximum use of the dog's moderate angulation.
当从侧面观察,运动幅度和驱动幅度可表现藏獒的适合的各幅度。 |
When viewing a web page, people will get excited, happy or bored.
当人们正在浏览网页时,他们会感到兴奋、高兴或者厌烦。 |
When viruses set up camp inside the cells of animals and plants, they need to replicate before being detected and destroyed by the host cell.
在病毒侵入动物和植物的细胞内部以后,在被寄主细胞发现和消灭之前他们就需要复制自己。 |
When visited links don't change color, users exhibit more navigational disorientation in usability testing and unintentionally revisit the same pages repeatedly.
当不改变已访问链接颜色时,在可用性测试中用户表现出迷惑,并且无心的一再访问相同的信息。 |
When visiting London I like to travel by bus.
我游览伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车. |
When visiting a city, apart from the enthralling sight, what most attract you should be special local products, including dainties, tools, play facilities, presents and collections, all being the most interesting tourist items.
到一个城市,最吸引人的除了景色迷人的风光外,就是选购当地的特色产品了,吃的、用的、玩的、送礼的、收藏的都是游客们最感兴趣的旅游项目之一。 |