Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen, thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene.
插入突变是一种通过外源DNA整合的方式来获得突变体,并克隆得到对应突变基因的方法。 |
Inserts data into this descriptor. The length of this descriptor is changed to reflect the extra data.
把数据插入到描述符中。描述符的数据长度将根据数据的改变进行重新设置。 |
Inserts may be in seat or wedge at manufacturer's option.
镶嵌件可能是阀座或楔板,由制造商决定。 |
Inserts the 220V power source place the color television or the electric fan plug, switch according to ONposition. Namely thrust build-up.
把彩电或电扇插头插入220V电源处,开关按至“ON”位置。即进入工作状态。 |
Inset: Melbourne across Port Phillip Bay.
插图:从菲利普湾港看墨尔本城。 |
Inset: the Yarra River and the city.
插图:耶那河与墨尔本城。 |
Inset: the city form Williamstown.
插图:从威廉姆斯镇看墨尔本城。 |
Insgroupsto get our plans accepted, we must fought tooth and nail to prepare well everything that should be done before.
译文:为使我们的计划被采纳,我们必须竭尽全力的把所有的前期工作准备好。 |
Inside Accessibility This merely ties back in with keeping it simple.
内部可访问性是为了方便访问者访问网站的内部信息。 |
Inside MIZY Centre, volunteers shared their volunteers and they have an impromptuperformance!
首尔青少年文化交流中心(MIZY中心)内,除了分享义工服务经验,义工更即席来一个音乐交流。 |
Inside Madison Square Garden, the delegates eagerly awaited the high point of the convention, the president's speech.
在麦迪逊广场花园里面,代表们焦急地等待着大会高潮的到来---总统讲话。 |