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All of you must certainly fully protect Bhisma foremost at all strategic points situated respectively in your various formations.

All of which confirms a picture of modern Britain, and especially London, as a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural meeting point. 所有这些都向我们呈现出一幅现代英国,尤其是伦敦,作为一个多民族、多元文化交汇点的图画。
All of which is nonsense, scientists say. 科学家说,所有这一切都是信口开河。
All of which makes us the most rewarding employer in our field. 所有的这些条件使我们成为业内的最佳雇主(2005年翰威特评选的中国最佳雇主)。
All of which raises another question. 以上种种又带出了另外一个难题。
All of which should help explain why the Suns are No. 1 on his list. 全部都应该帮助解释为什么在他的目录上太阳是第一位的。
All of you must certainly fully protect Bhisma foremost at all strategic points situated respectively in your various formations. 各位将士,坚守你们各自阵营的全部要塞,你们要全力支持和保护彼斯玛。
All of you, get outside now! 所有的人现在到外面。
All of your assignments are due on the dates written. 你们所有的作业按规定的到期日期缴交。
All of your loopback devices are in use. 请问是怎么会事?在使用的时候,无法生成另一个么?
All offers are not-binding and without obligation. 所有提供的内容都不具有法律约束力和义务。
All officers and enlisted personnel will have a winter service uniform, a spring/autumn service uniform, and a summer service uniform, consisting of service cap, beret, coats, long coat, jumper, trousers, shirts, tie, socks, shoes, etc. 全体官兵都将配发冬常服,春秋常服和冬常服,包括军帽,贝雷帽,外衣,长外套,工作服,裤子,衬衣,领带,袜子,鞋等。

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