Strange Days on Planet Earth is a four-part science and natural history series which made use of innovative story telling to explore intriguing new discoveries about the health of our fragile planet.
《天惊地异》科学及历史系列共分四集,以另类说故事的手法,宏观地引导我们探索宇宙,并带出我们这个脆弱的宇宙所面临的健康问题,同时分享很多有趣的新发现。 |
Strange and inexplicable events follow, each increasingly more terrifying.
奇怪和无法解释的事件接踵而至,不断加剧着恐慌。 |
Strange as it may appear, this is true for all that.
因为庸医杀人也是成千上万的。 |
Strange as it may sound, it is true.
听起来是有点奇怪,但是是真的。 |
Strange but true: the trees in American backyards may be worth far more than the cars in the front drive, at least in theory.
看上去有些奇怪,但确属事实:美国人后院的树可能远比房前车道的车值钱,至少理论上如此。 |
Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean.
大洋深处生活着奇异的生物。 |
Strange events take place away from watchful eyes, and nature is often cruel to those who try to steal her secrets.
诡异的事件在远离那些警惕眼睛的地方发生,自然对那些企图偷走她秘密的家伙总是十分残酷的。 |
Strange foot of a hill bottom, there is an alone and helpless farmhouse, the inside lives an old woman with a how old little grandson.
偏僻的山脚下,有一家孤零零的农舍,里边住着一个老太婆和一个几岁的小孙子。 |
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.
奇特的杨树还挂着果实. |
Strange how the vision persisted!
他把眼睛闭了一会儿,又睁开。 |
Strange indeed, isn』t it?
这难道不是一个怪现象吗? |