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If too much of the cuticle is cut back during a manicure, the cuticle can be separated from the nail, and infectious agents can get into the exposed area.

If tolerance for this among the middle classes were to crumble, unrest could spread. 如果中产阶级不再能够容忍这个状态,那么这种动乱将会蔓延。
If tomorrow is the final day of the world,what can I do? 如果说明天是世界末日,我可以做什么呢?
If tomorrow you become the president, what kind of law will you enforce? 如果明天你成为总统,你会执行哪一类的法律?
If too many trees are cut down , forests will disappear and Nothing will grow on the land. 如果树木被过量砍伐,那么森林就会消失,大地将寸草不生。
If too much body fat is the culprit, not our general weight, why don't we just face the truth? 假如身体脂肪太多是罪,不是普通的重量,为什么我们不面对事实呢?
If too much of the cuticle is cut back during a manicure, the cuticle can be separated from the nail, and infectious agents can get into the exposed area. 如果在修指甲期间要修剪很多表皮,皮肤就会和指甲分离,感染物就可以进入皮肤暴露的区域。
If too much solder is use, it may flow past tube and clog seating area. 如果采用太多的焊料,则焊料可能流过管道并阻塞密封区域。
If took ten men to wrestle the device into place. 用了10个人才把那台装置挪动到位。
If trained with traditional methods, the trainers will come through a stagnant periodwhen muscles grow in bodybuilding training. 摘要在健美训练中,采用传统的训练方法,训练者一般都要遭遇肌肉增长“滞缓期”。
If transfer is enabled, the owner can transfer the item to another person. 如果允许转让,拥有者可以转让给下一个玩家。
If transport vehicles fuel consumption air pollution caused by, resulting from packaging waste pollution, transportation and processing of the flow caused by noise pollution, waste of resources, urban congestion. 如运输车辆的燃油消耗所造成的空气污染,包装所带来的废弃物污染,运输和流通加工所带来的噪音污染、资源浪费、城市交通堵塞等。

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